XC7A12T-1CPG236I - Compact and Efficient Artix-7 FPGA from Xilinx Available at ChipsX
The XC7A12T-1CPG236I is a member of the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA family, renowned for its combination of low power consumption, compact design, and exceptional performance. Tailored for cost-sensitive, high-performance applications, this FPGA is ideal for industries such as industrial automation, medical devices, consumer electronics, and IoT solutions.
Key Features of the XC7A12T-1CPG236I:
Logic Resources:
The XC7A12T-1CPG236I provides 12,800 logic cells, delivering sufficient resources for small-to-medium scale designs in embedded systems and real-time applications. -
Speed Grade (-1):
This FPGA comes with a speed grade of -1, ensuring efficient processing for applications requiring reliable and responsive performance. -
Housed in a compact 236-ball Chip-Scale Package (CPG236), this FPGA is ideal for space-constrained designs, maintaining high functionality within a smaller footprint. -
Low Power Consumption:
Designed using the 28nm process technology, the Artix-7 family offers significant power savings, making it suitable for battery-operated and energy-sensitive devices. -
Block RAM:
Features 921 Kb of Block RAM, enabling smooth data buffering and real-time memory operations for embedded and signal-processing tasks. -
DSP Slices:
Integrated with 40 DSP slices, this FPGA supports efficient signal processing, enhancing its suitability for multimedia and communication systems. -
Advanced Connectivity:
The XC7A12T-1CPG236I supports a wide range of I/O standards and interfaces, ensuring seamless integration with other system components.
Applications of the XC7A12T-1CPG236I:
Industrial Automation:
The FPGA’s processing capabilities and connectivity options make it ideal for control systems, robotics, and factory automation equipment. -
Medical Devices:
Supports precision operations in diagnostic systems and wearable health monitoring devices with its low power and high reliability. -
Consumer Electronics:
Enables advanced features in smart home devices, gaming peripherals, and multimedia applications. -
IoT Solutions:
The compact package and power efficiency make it a top choice for IoT edge devices and gateways. -
Communication Systems:
Perfect for signal processing and protocol bridging in wireless communication equipment and networking systems.
Why Choose ChipsX for the XC7A12T-1CPG236I?
At ChipsX, we provide a comprehensive range of Xilinx FPGAs, including the XC7A12T-1CPG236I, ensuring you have access to the best components for your projects.
Why Buy from ChipsX?
- Authentic Components: Guaranteed 100% original products.
- Expert Assistance: Our team offers technical support to optimize your FPGA integration.
- Fast Delivery: Quick and reliable shipping to meet your timelines.
- Competitive Pricing: Unmatched value for top-tier components.
Visit our ChipsX Website to order the XC7A12T-1CPG236I or explore more FPGA solutions for your design needs.
#Xilinx #Artix7 #FPGA #XC7A12T #LowPower #CompactDesign #IoT #ChipsX
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