IS2022 Business Programming with Spreadsheet
▪ City University of Hong Kong ▪ Department of Information Systems ▪ IS2022 ▪ 1/2
Individual Assignment (8%)
Develop a professional error-free application using MS Excel and VBA to calculate fees
and charges for a golf club.
The ISmart Golf Course (IGC) is a public golf course that requires players to take the Golf
Course Ferry from the designated pier. The round-trip ferry price are as follow: $85 for
regular users, $40 for junior (under 12 years of age), and $40 for senior (60 years of age
and over).
IGC offers three exceptional public golf courses in Asia: the East Course, North Course,
and South Course. Players must reserve a course at least one week in advance. The
individual course fees are provided in Table 1. The golf course also offers a variety of golf
tuition programs for beginners to advanced golfers. The tuition fees include the golf course
charges, and the details can be found in Table 2. Optional equipment hire services are also
You may copy the fee tables to MS Excel in order to calculate fees and charges accurately.
Create a button on the worksheet to initiate your application. Develop a Sub procedure in
a Module with appropriate variables, or constants, and data types to calculate the total
amount a golf player needs to pay, considering tuition, fees or charges. Use Input box
functions (traditional input boxes, NOT Input box methods; NO userform is required) to
prompt the user for mandatory information, such as reservation date, player’s full name,
gender, and player status (regular junior/senior, HKID card holder or non-HKID card holder).
The user should also indicate whether they want to reserve a golf course or register a
If the user wants to reserve a golf course, they will enter the corresponding code for the
desired course, as listed in Table 1. If the user is booking a lesson, there is no need to
reserve a golf course. Instead, they will enter appropriate tuition code from Table 2. The
User may also reserve equipment by entering the corresponding hire code(s) from Table 3.
The application and input boxes should incorporate appropriate data validation and error
handling mechanisms to avoid abrupt termination, and input errors or execution errors. The
application should calculate the fees and display the results in a message box. The
message box should display the player’s full name, a breakdown of charges and fees, and
the total fees formatted with appropriate currency format, icon, title and current date.
If the user chooses to retry after viewing the result message box, the application should
display all the input boxes again and repeat the process. If the user chooses to cancel, the
application should terminate.
Your task is to develop a comprehensive and user-friendly application that accurately
calculates fees and charges for the golf club, incorporate proper validation, error handling,
and user interaction features.
Assessment criteria of the individual assignment will be based on your ability to perform
the criteria above in terms of the followings:
o Write macros (sub procedures) using VBA in Microsoft Excel.
o Use appropriate data types to declare variables and/or constants.
o Use appropriate input box functions to capture user input with data validation rules and
error handling mechanisms.
IS2022 Business Programming with Spreadsheet
▪ City University of Hong Kong ▪ Department of Information Systems ▪ IS2022 ▪ 2/2
o Use repetition, decision and/or selection structures in VBA code.
o Use message box with appropriate prompt to display results correctly.
Save your file as IndAssign_<your Student ID number>.xlsm
Submission deadline: 14 April 2024, (Week 12 Sunday) 11:59 pm
Please check and confirm the file you submit on Canvas is correct and complete
before the submission deadline.
Incomplete or late submission will result in 0 mark.
Fee Tables:
Table 1: Green Fee
G01 East Course (18 holes) $1,200
G02 South/North Course (18 holes) $980
G03 South Course (9 holes) $550
Senior (60 years of age and over)
G04 East Course (18 holes) $850
G05 South/North Course (18 holes) $750
G06 South Course (9 holes) $380
Junior (Under 21 years of age)
G07 East Course (18 holes) $475
G08 South/North Course (18 holes) $450
G09 South Course (9 holes) $250
Regular (non-HKID Card Holder)
G10 East Course (18 holes) $1,600
G11 South/North Course (18 holes) $1,300
G12 South Course (9 holes) $800
Junior non-HKID Card Holder (Under 21 years of age)
G13 East Course (18 holes) $675
G14 South/North Course (18 holes) $650
G15 South Course (9 holes) $350
Table 2: Golf Tuition
Regular Per Person
T01 Introduction (8 hours) $2,200
T02 On Course Lesson (4 hours) $1,200
T03 Golf Pass (8 hours) $2,500
T04 Private Tuition Fee with Head Golf Professional $4,000
Junior (Under 21 years of age) Per Person
T05 Junior Group Lesson $600
T06 Junior Private Tuition Fee (3 hours) $1,000
Table 3: Hire Service
H01 Set of Golf Club (Premium) $500
H02 Hire Center Golf Bag Storage $40
H03 Private Locker – Annual rate* $4,000*
H04 Golf Bag Carrier $340
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