EEL4837 Spring 2024 - Excursion 2 Due Date: April 29, 2024
EEL4837 Programming for Electrical Engineering II – Spring 2024
Excursion 2: Technology Mapping
Due Date: April 29, 2024
Submission Instructions
Submit your code to Gradescope. You need to submit the following files separately (not as an
1. One or several source code files.
● Your program should read an input file named input.txt located in the same
directory as your source code.
● Your output should be a single integer, which should be written to a file named
output.txt and located in the same directory.
2. A documentation named readme.txt.
● Explicitly indicate if you are claiming bonus points.
● (Optional) Any other descriptions of your program if you wish to provide.
The goal is to implement an elementary tool for technology mapping, which will:
1. Transform the original logical expressions into a NAND-NOT tree;
2. Calculate the minimum cost of the transformed structure.
Input: a Boolean model specified in the format as shown in the Excursion 2 slides.
Output: a single integer, which is the calculated minimum cost of the transformed structure.
You may assume:
1. Each node of the input netlist is a single AND, OR, and NOT function.
2. In each test case, there will be one output node only. That is, your circuit will be a tree.
3. A Technology Library is available, which consists of the components listed in Table 1.
EEL4837 Spring 2024 - Excursion 2 Due Date: April 29, 2024
Table 1. Technology Library
Name Cost
AND2 4
NOR2 6
OR2 4
AOI21 7
AOI22 7
1. Read a netlist as input. You can assume that all inputs are legal.
2. Parse the netlist to construct a tree based on the provided expressions.
3. Convert the tree into a NAND-NOT tree.
4. Refer to the Technology Library (Table 1) and recursively compute the minimum cost at
each node.
5. Write the final minimum cost to the output file.
Total points: 100
1. Automated grading (75 pts)
a. Correctness (60 pts): correct results for normal inputs.
b. Robustness (15 pts): correct results for edge cases, such as very simple and very
complex inputs.
2. Manual grading (25 pts)
a. Efficiency: The time and space complexities are decent. No brute force is
EEL4837 Spring 2024 - Excursion 2 Due Date: April 29, 2024
b. Elegance: tidy code style, understandable comments for key steps as needed,
meaningful functions, etc.
3. Bonus points (20 pts): implement dynamic programming traversing the tree bottom-up
and saving the intermediate costs for subtrees.
Late Policies
● Late due date: May 3, 2024
● 5% off per late day. No further extension will be permitted due to the UF grading policy
regarding grade report at the end of each semester.
1. Your code should be in C++ only. We encourage splitting up your code into multiple
2. Your program should compile and run successfully on both the ECE Linux server and
3. You can only use C++ standard libraries (including STL). Do not use libraries that
implement circuits, trees, or graphs for you. If you are not sure whether a library is
allowed, please reach out to TA.
请加QQ:99515681 邮箱:99515681@qq.com WX:codinghelp
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