COMP1047: Systems and Architecture (AE1SYS)
Coursework Part-2: Computer Networks
nd May 2024, 23:59:59 GMT+8
1 Synopsis
This is Par-2 of the COMP1047 coursework. This Part is about network performance
evaluation both simulation and report writing. You should answer the TWO (2) questions
below, before submitting them in Moodle and CS repository. For the NS-2 coding problem,
you are advised to develop and analyze your TRACE files using AWK adopted in the lab
sessions in this module. The total mark of this Part is [30 MARKS].
Note that the nature of this Part of coursework is exploratory to a certain extent, given its
time to complete (more than 2 weeks). Thus, the solutions of the questions cannot be directly
obtained from the lecture or lab materials, but require students to explore further from public
resources, or recall from what have been learnt from prerequisite modules. Nonetheless, the
module content of COMP1047 should be recognized as the essential foundation to achieve the
proper answering to the questions of this Part of coursework.
2 Deliverable
Submit the following THREE (3) uncompressed files to COMP1047 Moodle page, where you
will find a submission portal named “Submission for Part-2: Computer Networks” to be opened
1.COMP1047CWP2-‘YourName’-‘YourID’-Q1.tcl for the code corresponding to Question
1. Example: COMP1047CWP1-JaneDoe-20511234-Q1.tcl
2.COMP1047CWP2-‘YourName’-‘YourID’-Q2.xlsx, in which you only need to write down
your project name (AE1SYS-CWP2-YourID) in the csproject. Details can be found in Question
1’s description.
3.COMP1047CWP2-‘YourName’-‘YourID’-Q2.pdf, in which you only need to write down
your project name (AE1SYS-CWP2-YourID) in the csproject. Details can be found in Question
2’s description.
Unable to follow the file naming conventions would lead to mark deduction. Late submission rules apply, as indicated in the accompanying coursework issue sheet.
3 Assessment
1. This Part has a total of 30 marks, which constitutes 60% of the total coursework marks,
equivalent to 30% of the total module marks. Individual marks are shown along each
2. Evaluation rubrics for Questions is provided in their problem description.
3. For enquiries on doubts or issues encountered when doing your coursework, please use
the Moodle discussion forum, or directly email Dr. Fazl Ullah
Question 1 [15 Marks]
This project provides insights on analyzing network performances such as delay, throughput, and
packet drops of your designed network. It presents an experimental methodology to obtain an
estimate of average delay, throughput, and packet drops for packets of variable payload size. You
are required to use the TWO transport layer protocols, the TCP and UDP as we studied in Week3 class.
The Scenario 5 Marks
Implement a circular wireless network topology of at least 10 nodes. In these nodes 20% will be
sender nodes and 20% will be receiver nodes and the remaining 60% nodes will be the relay
nodes. You need to use TCP as transport layer protocol for 10% sender-receiver pair and UDP
for the ramming 10% sender-receiver pair.
Note that the senders and receiver will be selected by a random function. You have to use the
random function only once.
Simulation 3 Marks
You need to run your simulation for 1000 seconds to generate TRACE (.tr) and NAM (.nam) files
of your designed scenario. Also, you are required to run the simulation with the same topology 20
times and find the use the average values in trace fie for performance analysis.
Hint: You can use shell script to automate simulation for 20 times.
Performance Analysis 1 Mark
You need to analyze your designed network based on delay, throughput, and packet drop using
AWK or Shell or Perl scripts or scripting language you want.
You find the end-to-end delay in the network [1 Mark] and identified the reason [2 Marks]
You find the total throughput in the network [1 Mark] and identified the reason of high or low
throughput [2 Marks]
Packet Drop
You find the packet drop ratio in the network [1 Mark] and you identified the reason [2 Marks]
Excel File [2 Marks]
Once you run and obtain the average simulation, then you need to analyze the Delay, Throughput,
and Packet Drop. You need to save the values of Delay, Throughput, and Packet Drop in the Excel
Note: You can use any application for graph generation and data presentation.
Question 2 [10 Marks]
The Scenario
After performing the simulations and analyzing the designed networks, you are required
to write a report using the attached template.
Your Task
Title [10-20 Words]
A nice title that reflect what you have written in this report.
Summary [150-250 words]
A short summary that give an idea of your work
Introduction [~600 words]
A brief introduction about the simulated network. You may giver references from the
literature from similar networks.
Proposed Work [400 words]
Write about the designed network and the protocols used in it. The details about the
simulation scenario and the working procedures.
Results and Discussion [500 words]
You obtained the results from simulation and need to present in the form of graphs. Explain
the graphs and
Conclusion [100-150 words]
Write a short conclusion, what you did and how can you enhance the current work in the
near future.
References (if any)
[1]. Reference 1
[2]. Reference [2], etc.
Also, it is important to submit all your files on time to our CS git server, namely To upload to csprojects, please:
a. Create a new project named AE1SYS-CWP2-YourID, e.g., AE1SYS-CWP2-20511234.
b. Upload your files into the project, and name them as TCL-YourID, xlx-YourID and
PDF-YourID, respectively.
c. You must add Dr. Fazl Ullah as the project Maintainer in order for your project to be
accessed. This can be done by Project Information → Members → Invite
member, then input his email address (, and set him as
the Maintainer in the ‘Select a role’ menu.
Basic marking criteria are correctness, abundance, and depth. For detailed
rubrics, an example indicator is provided in the table below, to give you n direct impression on
how much effort should be corresponding to which level of grades.
Level Example indicator
Fail Nothing done.
Poor Provided the names only.
OK Provided the names, with one or two sentences of description.
Good In addition to OK level, provided extended elaboration trying to
help the evaluator understand what is talked about.
Excellent The information conveyed is correct and abundant. For question 2,
in-depth discussion and/or analysis is provided. High quality usage
of citations.
Besides the above, each item below will incur a penalty of -1 mark:
a. Not adding Dr. Fazl Ullah as the maintainer to access your project.
b. Wrong project name, or file names uploaded, especially not showing your student ID.
c. Any other factors that obviously lower down the submission quality, or make your
project inaccessible.
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