COMP 315代做、代写Java/c++编程语言
Assignment 2: Typescript and React
COMP 315: Cloud Computing for E-Commerce
April 27, 2024
1 Introduction
A reactive website will scale and reorder elements to suit the screen size of the device being used to access it. A
dynamic website will update the elements of the page without the need for a full reload. In this assignment you
will expand upon a skeleton program in order to build a dynamic and reactive e-commerce front end website.
2 Learning outcomes
By the end of this assignment, you will:
• Be able to implement functions using Typescript.
• Be familiar with how to use React components and hooks.
• Have a template website that you could expand upon for a portfolio piece.
3 Problem description
For this task, you have been provided with a skeleton website, as well as the assets to populate it with. At
the moment the site displays the: name, picture, rating, and price of a collection of items for sale. If you type
into the search bar, it will only display items that have your search term within their name. You must add the
following functionality:
• An indicator showing the number of search results or products available.
• Sorting the items by: name, price, or rating.
• The ability to show only in stock items in the search results.
• Adding or removing items from the shopping basket.
• A total cost of products in the shopping basket.
4 Initial setup
The skeleton code has been provided for you, which is a basic e-commerce website similar to the one shown in
lectures. Ensure that you have Node.js installed on your computer, this should come with V ite. Download
the zip file of this code and extract it to a suitable place on your computer. Navigate to that folder in your
terminal, and type npm install. Once this installation has completed, type in npm run dev, which should host
the website locally for you. Take the localhost address shown in the output and type it into your browser to
see the website. There are 4 JSON files included in the ’Assets’ folder, which are random products 1, 100, 150,
and 175. Each of these JSON files contains a list of products to be shown on the website. Each product has
the attributes outlined in Table 1, with the images being generated using Adobe Firefly.
Attribute name Note
ID This is a unique identifier for each product, and is an integer
name The name for each product.
price The price of the product in pounds.
category This is the general category of the product.
quantity The number of this product that is currently available in stock. This is a non-negative
rating This is a real number rating of the product between 0 and 5.
image link The file location of the promotional image.
Table 1: The attributes that are stored for each product
5 Developing the website
5.1 The results indicator
When searching for products, it is often useful to know exactly how many products the current search has
returned. This can help make the website feel more reactive. In the results − indicator paragraph tag, add
a notification about how many results or products the current search query has returned. If the search bar
is empty, then the the output should be nP roducts where n is the number of products. If there is only a
single product then the output should be 1P roduct. If the search bar is not empty, then the output should be
nResults where n is the number of products returned by the search query. If there is only a single product
returned by the query, then it should say 1Result. If there are no results returned by a query then the output
should be Nosearchresultsfound.
5.2 Enhance search functionality
When looking at a list of products, a useful feature is being able to sort them by some attribute such as price
or rating. Add functionality to the select tag inside of the search − bar, so changing the selected option will
result in that form of sorting being applied to the results. Once this task has been completed, add the following
functionality to the inStock checkbox input. When this checkbox is ticked, the results should only include
products that have a quantity larger than 0. Hint: this can be accomplished by using a combination of a state
and a hook.
5.3 Adding to the shopping basket
Each product currently has a button underneath that says ’Add to basket’. Update this code so that if the
quantity available of the product is 0, the button instead says ’Out of stock’ and is disabled. Add a function
to the ’Add to basket’ button that passes the information to a shopping basket variable in App.tsx. This
variable should be a list of type BasketItem. Adding multiple instances of the same product should increase
the quantity property of the relevant basket instance. Do not worry about disabling the product’s button if
the quantity added to the basket is more than the quantity available. Hint: The parent/child example given in
Tutorial 4 - question 7 can give you a good starting point.
5.4 Visualising the basket
Now that the data about the basket is being collected, we should visualise it for the user. If there are no items
in the basket then the shopping − area div should contain a paragraph text saying ’Your basket is empty’. If
the shopping basket variable contains a product, then the shopping −area div should contain that information.
Each item in the basket should be surrounded by a div with the class ’shopping-row’, and a suitable key such as
the name of the item. Inside of that div there should be another div with the class ’shopping-information’, and
a button with ’Remove’ text. The ’shopping-information’ div should contain a paragraph tag which shows the
information about the product in the format [P roductname]([P roductprice]) − [P roductquantity]. When the
’Remove’ button is pressed, then the quantity of that product in the basket should be reduced by 1. If pressing
that button reduces the quantity of the product to 0, then that item should be removed from the shopping
basket. At the bottom of the shopping −area div should be a paragraph tag with the total cost of the shopping
basket. This should be in the form of T otal : [T otalbasketcost]. This value should be shown to 2 decimal places.
6 Marking
Your completed assignment will be submitted through the Canvas submission system. This will account for
10% of your overall module score. You may use any library that comes with a default installation of Node.js.
Each variable should have the appropriate type, if the ’any’ type is required than a comment must be included
that justifies it’s use. This rule is in place to encourage the use of Typescript type checking instead of just
Javascript. Your work will be submitted to an automatic plagiarism/collusion detection system, and those exceeding a threshold will be reported to the Academic Integrity Officer for investigation regarding adhesion to the
university’s policy
L cop assess.pdf.
7 Deadline
The deadline is 23:59 GMT Sunday the 12th of May 2024. Late submissions will have the typical
5% penalty applied for each day late, up to 5 days. Submissions after this time will not be marked. https:
8 Expansions for a portfolio piece
If you decided to expand upon this short example in order to create a portfolio piece, which I stress is not
something you have to do for the assignment, then you will need to make several changes. My suggestion for
these changes would be:
• Redesign the site to be more visually appealing, focus on the reactivity and showing off that it works on
all form factors of device.
• Use Next.js to add individual pages for each product. This will also mean that you’ll have to look into
how to allow the user to return to the search results.
• Connect to a database, such as Neo4j, as this is crucial in showing you understand role of the front end
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