代写Road Builder Game Using GUIs in Java
Task 1: Create a Logical Road Builder Game Using GUIs in Java
The objective of this task is to develop a Logical Road Builder game using Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in Java. The game board has a width of 15 inches and a height of 15 inches. The game board is made up of four basic road builders that are 3.75 inches wide and 3.75 inches high. The task requires creating four challenges for the game, and each group can design their own challenges. The player's objective is to find a solution for each challenge by placing the provided accessories on the game board to move the vehicle from the start position to the end position. Once the player has found a solution for the challenge, the vehicle should follow the path over the accessories placed on the game board to reach the end position.
Task 2: Create Goliath Games Harry Potter Tri-Wizard Maze Using GUIs in Java
The objective of this task is to create a Harry Potter Tri-Wizard Maze game using GUIs in Java. The game board can include a built-in die popper. When the player clicks on the popper, it will give the number for that player. The game board can accommodate two or four players. If there are two players, there are eight movers, and if there are four players, there are sixteen movers. There are 7x+4x spaces on the game board, where x is the number of players, which can be two or four. There are seven spaces between any two players' starting points, and four home spaces for each player. There are also three Draw Card spaces between any two players' starting points, with 48 cards placed on the game board. Once any player lands on a Draw Card space, they need to pick the top card and follow the instructions.
Task 3: Create a Rush Hour Traffic Jam Puzzle Using GUIs in Java
The objective of this task is to develop a Rush Hour Traffic Jam puzzle using GUIs in Java. The game board has six rows and six columns, for a total of 36 squares. There are 12 cars and 4 trucks, with each vehicle being a different color and taking up either two or three spaces on the grid. Vehicles can only travel in the direction they are in after the challenge is set up, and they must stay on that same path. Each group can design four challenges, and each group can use one of the challenges given in the additional information for Task 3 on Moodle. The player's objective is to find a solution for each challenge by moving the vehicles on the game board so the red vehicle can reach the exit door. The squares across the game board are numbered from 00 to 35. i.e.
00 01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 09 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34 35
Each group will be assigned one task out of these three tasks by me to implement as their final coursework for Software Development in Java using GUIs.
Submission Guidelines:
To submit the final coursework for Software Development in Java using GUIs, each group needs to
Produce a software and a software documentation (as team report).
Everyone must write an individual report to explain your contribution to the team work in detail.
In team’s report Create an overview in the form of a javadoc file
Submit the source code in Java
Present the work orally.
The submission portal for the final coursework will open on May 6th , 2024, and the deadline for submission is May 8th, 2024.
Team report
Each team should jointly produce a high-quality team report. This document should provide a clear description of your software and its functionalities, rather than just a list of main points. Please pay attention to your English writing quality (poor writing quality will lead to reduced marks).
Format of team report:
1.Must be a MS Word document, with maximum length of 3 pages
2.(convert it to PDF file when submitting it).
3.Put Lab Class number and Team number, e.g. “Lab Class 1, Team 4”.
4.List team member names (in Pin-Yin).
5.A list of every team member’s task - multiple members can share a task if necessary.
Individual report
In addition to the team report, every team member must write an individual report on your contribution to your team work. It must be a MS Word document, with maximum length of one page. Please convert it into PDF file when submitting it.
Your individual report should include:
1.Your Name (Pinyin), Lab Class number, Team number
2.Which part or aspect of the team work were you responsible for?
3.How did you co-operate with other team members?
4.How did your work help to improve the quality of your team’s work?
5.Any suggestions and comments on your team’s work for further improvement.
Please be advised that your submissions will undergo a thorough plagiarism check utilizing Turnitin, which compares your work to previously submitted material. If there is a significant level of similarity detected, then you may face academic penalties. We take academic integrity seriously and it is important that all submissions reflect your own original work and ideas. If you have any concerns or questions about how to appropriately cite and reference sources, please reach out to your instructor or consult the institution's guidelines on academic integrity. Therefore, by submitting your coursework, you are giving your consent to the following statement:
" I confirm that all the material presented in this submission, which is not our own original work, has been duly acknowledged and referenced using appropriate citation methods. Furthermore, I affirm that we have acknowledged all individuals and organizations who have contributed to this work by explicitly mentioning their names. Additionally, I want to declare that this work has not been submitted previously for evaluation in any other course, module, or educational institution, and it represents my own original ideas and findings. As a responsible scholar, I understand the importance of academic integrity and honesty, and I am committed to upholding these values in all my academic endeavours."
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