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School of Computing: Assessment brief
Module title
Introduction to Web Technologies
Module code
Assignment title
Coursework 2
Assignment type and description
This coursework is an extension to Coursework 1 and students will be using advanced web technologies such as Advanced HTML, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
This coursework is designed to assess students’ understanding on client-side advanced web technologies (Advanced HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap) and to use them in the development of a responsive website.
Word limit and guidance
As such there is no word limit but there is a requirement of 5 web pages in the website which should be linked together through a navigation system.
Submission deadline
Submission method
All files must be submitted as a zip archive on Minerva.
Feedback provision
Feedback will be provided through Minerva when the coursework is assessed. Students can directly contact the module leader if further feedback is needed.
Learning outcomes assessed
Develop client-side dynamic content using appropriate technologies and libraries (e.g. JavaScript).
Evaluate the design of a website applying judgement to determine if it meets a set of requirements.
Identify the issues of web accessibility and develop sites that comply with current legislation relating to accessibility.
Module lead
1. Assignment guidance
The deliverable of this piece of coursework is a continuation of complete web site developed in coursework 1 consisting of at least 5 more HTML pages that have used client-side dynamic content (e.g. Forms and JavaScript). The files should be compliant to HMTL5 and CSS3 standards.
2. Assessment tasks
TASK 1: 40 Marks
You should make additions and appropriate modifications to your website that was submitted for coursework 1. You should incorporate into your design the following features:
HTML Forms
Substantial amount of JavaScript (jQuery) that adds some dynamic content to the website and that is well thought out and adds functionality
Advanced features of HTML5, i.e. geolocation, local storage or others
Consideration for the responsive web design i.e. how your website will render on different devices and screen sizes
TASK 2: 20 Marks
A design document (not more than 3 pages) in pdf format, containing the following:
A description of your intended additional features
A brief evaluation of your implementation justifying any changes between your initial design and your implementation
How responsive is your website and how have you tested it
Ideally you should include at least one page about each of the points above.
1. General guidance and study support
4. Assessment criteria and marking process
A detailed marking scheme is provided on Minerva. Following is the distribution of marks.
Marks available
CSS (Bootstrap)
JavaScript and JQuery
Advanced HTML
Accessibility considerations
Take care in reading the specification. You will be penalised if you fail to meet any of the requirements below.
All pages must conform to the HTML5 standard.
All style sheets must conform to CSS3 standards.
All styling should be done in a separate style sheet.
You must not use any editor which assists in the creation of web pages, i.e. Dreamweaver and similar are not permitted.
All images or text used in the deliverable should be appropriately referenced and copyright should be obtained if you are using images.
5. Presentation and referencing
The quality of written English will be assessed in this work. As a minimum, you must ensure:
Paragraphs are used
There are links between and within paragraphs although these may be ineffective at times
There are (at least) attempts at referencing
Word choice and grammar do not seriously undermine the meaning and comprehensibility of the argument
Word choice and grammar are generally appropriate to an academic text
These are pass/ fail criteria. So irrespective of marks awarded elsewhere, if you do not meet these criteria you will fail overall.
6. Submission requirements
All files must be submitted as a zip archive. No other format will be accepted. You should submit the zip archive via Minerva before the deadline.
7. Academic misconduct and plagiarism
Academic integrity means engaging in good academic practice. This involves essential academic skills, such as keeping track of where you find ideas and information and referencing these accurately in your work.
By submitting this assignment you are confirming that the work is a true expression of your own work and ideas and that you have given credit to others where their work has contributed to yours
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