Gravity Announced Cute and Dark Puzzle Adventure ‘PIGROMANCE’ Official Launch on Steam!
- Award Winning Gameplay and Creativity from Various Global Game Awards
- Now Celebrating Official Launch with 20% Discount
SEOUL, South Korea, July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Global game developer and publisher Gravity announced the official release of the puzzle adventure ‘PIGROMANCE' on Steam on July 25th.
The puzzle adventure ‘PIGROMANCE' elaborates the story of a pig born with the fate of becoming a sausage, escaping from a sausage factory to find its love. Players can enjoy solving puzzles while escaping from the Cuttingman and navigating the dangerous obstacles lurking throughout the sausage factory. ‘PIGROMANCE' features cute chibi graphics with contrasting vibes of dark lighting, gruesome visual and sound effects, and spooky BGMs that almost resemble disturbing fairy tales.
Even before its official release, ‘PIGROMANCE' was recognized for its remarkable playability and fresh concept by winning various awards, including the Excellence Prize in the 2024 INDIE CRAFT, MWU(Made With Unity) KR 2023 ‘Best Indie' Category, 1st place in the 2022 Level Up Showcase, 2nd place for 2022 G-STAR Indie Awards, and Silver Award at Global Indie Game Development Contest 2020. ‘PIGROMANCE' was praised at various game events for its fresh storytelling and developing suspense.
The official launch version is now available for play on Steam supporting 9 different languages, including Korean, English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and French. Gravity is offering a 20% discount until August 7th to celebrate the official release.
“PIGROMANCE is a game that has proven its playability through multiple game awards and was positively commented on and earned a positive reputation from players on-site. Anyone, including players who prefer casual games, can play ‘PIGROMANCE',” said Yoo Jun, a lead manager of Gravity's console game business department. “We have brought up the level of the game's completion by reflecting on the priceless feedback of players, and the game features catchy art styles and storylines, which will feel quite different from many other casual games. We appreciate all the players waiting for the official release.”
[Official Homepage of Gravity]
[Official Steam Store Page of PIGROMANCE]
[Official Homepage of PIGROMANCE]
- Inquiry: Gravity 2 Business unit
Sang-min Park /
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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