Mibro chooses HERE Technologies to enhance tracking and safety features in smartwatches for kids
- Mibro utilizes HERE Network Positioning API, HERE Reverse Geocoder API, and HERE SDK Explore to provide parents with real-time and historical records of their children's location.
Beijing – HERE Technologies, the leading location data and technology platform, today announced that Mibro, an international smartwatch brand of ZhenShi Information Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd, has chosen HERE Technologies to enhance the safety and security features of their Mibro kids watch phones, providing parents with peace of mind regarding their children's whereabouts.
The children's smartwatch market is witnessing robust growth, driven by rising adoption of wearable technology and heightened concerns for child safety. These wearable devices are designed specifically for kids, incorporating features such as real-time location tracking, communication capabilities, educational games, and parental controls. They provide safety, connectivity and entertainment for children, while providing parents with valuable oversight.
The new upcoming Mibro kids watch phones available in EMEA and Southeast Asia are designed with a 7-system positioning feature that offers exceptional accuracy in tracking the location of children, including real-time view of a child's location and journey.
The positioning feature is powered by HERE Location Services, where Mibro utilizes the HERE Network Positioning application programming interface (API) to retrieve the geo-location of the watch phone. The HERE Reverse Geocoder API then translates these locations into precise addresses, which are then sent to parents via the Mibro Kids mobile app. Through the app, parents are not only able to access the location of their children in real-time, they can also obtain historical location data of up to 90 days, even in challenging environments where traditional GPS signals may be limited.
The Mibro Kids mobile app further leverages HERE SDK Explore to provide fast and smooth map interactions for parents' access, ensuring they can track their children's location with ease and confidence.
To prioritize safety and privacy, HERE Technologies does not collect or sell any personal information related to children. Parents can choose to share data with HERE, but all child-related data remains anonymous and is solely utilized to enhance location tracking services. This data is never used for advertising purposes.
Ian Ying, Vice Presient of Zhenshi Information Technology Company said, “At Mibro, ensuring the safety and connectivity of children is our top priority. By integrating HERE location services into our kids watch phones, we offer parents peace of mind knowing they can accurately track and communicate with their children. HERE Location Services perfectly complements our mission to offer customers with high-quality smart wearable products globally.”
Sammie Xi, Director and Head of Business for Greater China at HERE Technologies said, “Ensuring the safety of children is paramount in today's interconnected age. We are excited to partner with Mibro to enhance the safety and user experience of their kids watch phones. This means that parents can trust the information they receive about their children's whereabouts, offering peace of mind and enhancing their overall experience. We're dedicated to supporting Mibro with location intelligence as they introduce newer smartwatch models for the international audience."
Data privacy is fundamental to HERE. The company is one of the first mapping technology companies to achieve HITRUST Risk-based, 2-year (r2) Certified status, ISO/IEC 27701:2019 certification, in addition to its ISO 27017 and 27018 certifications for the provision and use of cloud services. Last summer, HERE also announced a new location anonymization tool for enterprises to use in self-hosted environments that meets compliance and privacy regulations, such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPRA).
Media contacts
HERE Technologies
Camy Cheng
+65 9088 4127
About Mibro
Mibro is a renowned brand of Zhenshi Technology, which is invested by Xiaomi and Nokia, and is one of Xiaomi's main ecological chain members. With over 200 top R&D engineers focused on the most advanced technology development on smart wearable devices, Zhenshi is proudly serving over 30 million customers across more than 170 countries worldwide. Besides, Zhenshi's strict product quality control system ensures every product meets high-quality standards.
About HERE Technologies
HERE has been a pioneer in mapping and location technology for almost 40 years. Today, HERE's location platform is recognized as the most complete in the industry, powering location-based products, services and custom maps for organizations and enterprises across the globe. From autonomous driving and seamless logistics to new mobility experiences, HERE allows its partners and customers to innovate while retaining control over their data and safeguarding privacy. Find out how HERE is moving the world forward at here.com.
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