AT17LV256-10NU: Advanced Memory Solutions from ChipsX
AT17LV256-10NU: Advanced Memory Solutions from ChipsX
The AT17LV256-10NU is a versatile, high-performance memory device from Microchip, designed to meet the demands of modern electronic systems. With its superior reliability, low voltage operation, and fast programming speed, this memory solution is ideal for a wide range of applications in industries such as automotive, communications, and industrial equipment. In this article, we’ll explore the features of the AT17LV256-10NU and how ChipsX can support your sourcing needs with this product and other electronic components.
Features and Benefits of AT17LV256-10NU
The AT17LV256-10NU offers high-density memory storage in a compact and efficient form. Its key features include:
- Low Voltage Operation: With a voltage range of 2.7V to 3.6V, the AT17LV256-10NU is suitable for low-power applications.
- Fast Programming Speed: The device supports fast programming, which is essential for time-sensitive applications.
- High Density: With 256 Mb of memory, it provides ample storage for complex data and configuration files.
- Enhanced Reliability: The AT17LV256-10NU is designed to withstand the harsh conditions of automotive, industrial, and aerospace environments.
- Flexible Interface: The device is compatible with a wide range of microcontrollers and FPGA platforms.
About ChipsX
ChipsX is a professional distributor of electronic components with many years of experience in the industry. We offer a one-stop service that includes sourcing, logistics support, and the supply of components from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS), and Original Design Manufacturers (ODM).
At ChipsX, we specialize in providing a wide range of products, including memory devices like the AT17LV256-10NU, CPLD, FPGA, MCU, DSP, and Flash memory, to help our partners stay competitive in a fast-evolving market. With our deep knowledge of the industry and strong relationships with authorized suppliers and manufacturers in Europe, the U.S., Southeast Asia, Japan, and South Korea, we ensure timely delivery and reliable product availability.
ChipsX Services and Advantages
- Extensive Supplier Network: We work closely with top manufacturers and authorized agents globally, ensuring access to the latest products and technologies.
- Stable Supply Chain: ChipsX owns an inventory of electronic components and partners with trusted logistics companies to guarantee timely delivery.
- Comprehensive Support: From product selection to shipping logistics, we provide full-service support, making sourcing easier and more efficient for our customers.
Applications of AT17LV256-10NU
The AT17LV256-10NU is used in a wide range of industries and applications. Here are some key sectors where it plays a crucial role:
- Consumer Electronics: Ideal for configuration storage in devices like smart TVs and audio equipment.
- Automotive Electronics: Used for configuration and storage in automotive control systems and infotainment.
- Medical Devices: Ensures fast, reliable memory for critical medical equipment.
- Industrial Automation: Provides memory storage for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and other industrial control systems.
- Telecommunications: Supports configuration storage for communication equipment.
- Aerospace and Military: Offers enhanced durability and reliability for aerospace and defense applications.
If you're looking for the AT17LV256-10NU or any other electronic components, ChipsX is your reliable source. With our deep industry knowledge, extensive supply chain resources, and comprehensive customer support, we’re here to help you with all your component sourcing needs. Visit our website ChipsX Official Site to learn more or contact us at for assistance.
Trust ChipsX for your memory solutions and let us support your projects with top-quality products and expert service.
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