SDSC4026代写、代做Python / Matlab程序
SDSC4026 Project
Project Requirement
• Each group should have maximum 3 students. Fill in online sheet attached in Canvas announcement.
• Proposal presentation: 6-8 min group presentation on Week 4 (February 5) on topic selection and plan - 20%
• Final presentation: 15-20 min group presentation on the last two classes (April 8 and 15) - 40%
• Submission: code and report - 40%
• Programming tools: Python / Matlab
• Plagiarism is not allowed. Each group is required to do independent project task, coding and report writing.
Project Proposal
On the class of Week 4 (February 5), each group will present the project proposal within 6-8 min.
The contents to be discussed could be but are not limited to
• Title. What is the title of your project?
• Motivation. Which process will be modeled and why this topic is important?
• Background. What are the existing modeling strategies concerning this topic?
• Contents. How do you plan to conduct the modeling and simulation tasks?
• Plans. What is the time schedule to make progress?
• Teamwork. How each group member contribute to the project?
For each group, only one member will do the presentation and s/he will have 6 min for presentation.
Afterwards, there will be a Q&A session -- the teaching team might raise a question and any member may
respond to that in 1-2 min. You may update the topics and plans if needed.
There is no need to prepare the proposal report. The proposal grade is assessed during the presentation.
Project Topic Options
Modeling and simulation are important factors. Available topic options of different domains are listed as follows
• Option 1: Simulation prediction of stock market/population trends
Model, simulate and predict the behavior of stock markets or population trends. By analyzing the historical data and applying mathematical model,
we can gain insights into the potential future trends of these complex systems.
• Option 2: Simulation of drug diffusion
Model and simulate the diffusion of drugs within biological systems. Construct models describing the drug pharmacokinetics, considering factors
such as drug concentration, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination, etc. By simulating this process, we can gain a better
understanding of how drugs interact with body and optimize their effectiveness.
• Option 3: Simulation of pendulum trajectory
Model the physical system of pendulum and simulate its trajectory/motion. Develop the pendulum model using mathematical equations and
considering factors such as length, mass, and initial conditions, etc. By simulating and analyzing the resulting trajectories, we can understand the
dynamics of pendulums and predict their motions.
• Option 4: Simulation of Blackjack strategies
Model and simulate the strategies for playing Blackjack. Propose decision strategies that simulate different game scenarios for maximizing the
chances of winning. We aim to deepen the understanding of the underlying probabilities involved in games and optimal decision-making strategies.
• Option 5: Your own topic
You can also choose other topics, but the modeling and simulation tasks are required throughout the project.
Final Report
Based on the topic, each group should submit a final report (15 pages limit) covering the following parts:
• Motivation. The reason why the topic you choose is important.
• Background. The history and development of the related area. A short literary review with brief description.
• Process description. Introduce the mechanism of related model. Conduct data analysis of selected topic.
• Model design. Present the assumption, key ideas and steps of modeling, etc.
• Simulation. Simulate the established model. Collect simulation results for related tasks.
• Results analysis. Showcase the modeling performance and simulation results (metrics, figures, tables)
• Discussions. Draw conclusions, thoughts and opinions after the group project.
Only one submission of zipped folder with report and code is needed from each group.
Submission deadline: 11:59pm, April 7
Final Project Presentation
On the classes of Week 12 (April 8) and Week 13 (April 15), each group will present their final project.
• The contents to be presented should be consistent with the final report
• The title page should contain student names and IDs. Member contribution is required
• 15-20 min group presentation in total, each group member should present at least 5 min
• A brief Q&A session will follow the group presentation
• Groups with similar topics will be arranged in the same week. The order of group presentation will be
released before Week 12.
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