menu-based program编程代做
Programming Assignment 5
In-class portion:
Create a menu-based program with the following options1. Request a string from the user. This string may contain any symbol but will be limited to a
length of 50 characters.
2. Convert the string to lower case.
3. Remove all non-alphabetic characters(keep only a-z or A-Z).
4. Determine if the string is a palindrome(the same forwards and backwards).
5. Print the current string.
6. Exit the program.
If the user enters something other than 1-6 during the menu, the program should display an error
The menu and options 1, 5, and 6 will be developed in class. The rest of the assignment will be to
implement the functionality for options 2, 3, and 4.
Each option that handles the string will require the offset of the string to be passed to that
procedure. When a procedure that mutates the string is called, these changes should be reflected
in the original string.
Example: The user inputs the string “ab%$ BA”
After option 2 the string will become: “ab%$ ba”
After option 3 the string will become: “abba”
Option 4 should print that the string “abba” is a palindrome.
Irvine library functions to copy, compare, clear, or convert a string to lowercase are not allowed for
this program. You must develop your own functions. You may use the Irvine functions for ReadString
and WriteString.
You must use the code provided, your submission should only finish the procedures that are
incomplete and insert the necessary calls to those procedures in main. As always, sufficient
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