Elevating MSP Excellence: Acronis MSP Academy Grows with 19 New Modules and a Video Library of 100+
SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland, Jan. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, is thrilled to announce the continued expansion of the Acronis MSP Academy, aimed at empowering Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to thrive in the ever-evolving IT landscape. The latest offerings include the introduction of 19 new modules and over 100 videos designed to provide industry-leading business and technical training.
The newly released modules contain longer and more in-depth content that emphasizes technical aspects ideal for onboarding new technicians. They cover a diverse range of topics crucial for MSPs, including Remote Desktop Monitoring, Making Money with M365, Disaster Recovery, automation for MSPs, and How to Market Your MSP Business.
The Acronis MSP Academy was launched in 2023 to support MSPs in growing their organizations through specialized and MSP-specific training. With the addition of these new modules, MSPs now have the opportunity to elevate their businesses by gaining advanced knowledge and skills.
Jon McCarrick, Director of Evangelism for Acronis, stated, “Through MSP Academy, we provide a tailored learning experience, from diverse topic exploration to a structured learning path, guaranteeing continuous growth for MSP owners and their technical teams.”
The modules cover various critical areas, including managed services, cybersecurity, and marketing. Completion of these courses enables MSPs to enhance their cybersecurity expertise, deliver exceptional client services, and achieve industry-recognized credentials.
Training's impact on employee performance, retention, and overall company productivity has been highlighted by Devlin Peck in a recent article. Companies with comprehensive training have 218% higher income per employee and are 17% more productive. About 59% of employees believe training enhances their job performance, and 45% are more likely to stay in their roles if they receive training. Moreover, more than 90% of employees indicate they will not quit if offered development opportunities.
One key aspect of the expanded Acronis MSP Academy is the opportunity for MSPs to achieve Credly credentials, highlighting their skills, knowledge, and expertise. Credly is a leading digital credentialing platform that enables individuals and organizations to demonstrate their capabilities and commitment to delivering high-quality services.
In today's competitive IT landscape, Credly credentials can help MSPs stand out and attract new clients. By displaying these credentials on their websites, social media profiles, and marketing materials, MSPs can build trust with potential customers.
Enrolling in the new MSP Academy modules will unlock a wealth of benefits, including acquiring in-depth knowledge and practical skills, standing out from the competition with Credly credentials, and staying up to date with the latest industry trends.
Embark on a journey of continuous learning and professional development by enrolling in the Acronis MSP Academy modules. For more information and to enroll, visit Acronis MSP Academy
About Acronis
Acronis unifies data protection and cybersecurity to deliver integrated, automated cyber protection that solves the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges of the modern digital world. With flexible deployment models that fit the demands of service providers and IT professionals, Acronis provides superior cyber protection for data, applications, and systems with innovative next-generation antivirus, backup, disaster recovery, and endpoint protection management solutions powered by AI. With advanced anti-malware powered by cutting-edge machine intelligence and blockchain based data authentication technologies, Acronis protects any environment - from cloud to hybrid to on premises - at a low and predictable cost.
Acronis is a Swiss company, founded in Singapore. Celebrating two decades of innovation, Acronis has 1,800+ employees in 45 locations. Acronis Cyber Protect solution is available in 26 languages in over 150 countries and is used by 20,000+ service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.
Media Contact:
Karl Bateson
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