Giesecke+Devrient Sets New Highs and Generates Revenues of Three Billion Euros for the First Time
Giesecke+Devrient (G+D) achieved the strongest growth in its history in fiscal year 2023, setting new records for sales, sales growth, and earnings. The G+D Group is entering a new phase in the company's development, and is helping to shape the digital transformation of society as a leading global SecurityTech company.
2023 was a year of growth for G+D with the company generating revenue of three billion euros. G+D surpassed its previous record from 2022 by 18%. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) rose by 17% to 347 million euros, the highest figure in the company's history. Annual net income increased by 14% to 92 million euros.
G+D's high volume of incoming orders, standing at 3.2 billion euros, points to continued future success. At the same time G+D is consistently investing in the expansion of its portfolio and the Group’s development. In 2023, G+D invested an unprecedented 490 million euros – an increase of 44% compared to 2022.
The Group's portfolio is segmented into Digital Security, Financial Platforms and Currency Technology. Integrated security technology, with which G+D strengthens the trust of citizens and consumers in the digital age, is the common denominator across all these segments. In Digital Security, G+D protects and manages confidential systems, networks, data and identities. In Financial Platforms, G+D offers solutions for payments and banking. As a global market leader in Currency Technology, G+D offers secure solutions for public currencies in physical and digital ecosystems including solutions for central bank digital currencies.
"We have achieved the most successful fiscal year in the company's history and are now entering a new phase in our development," said Ralf Wintergerst, Group CEO of G+D. "This gives us a strong basis for further strategic development as a SecurityTech company and for making the lives of billions of people more secure with our products and solutions."
Further information here.
About Giesecke+Devrient
G+D is a global SecurityTech company headquartered in Munich, Germany. The company shapes trust in the digital age, with built-in security technology in three segments: Digital Security, Financial Platforms and Currency Technology.
G+D was founded in 1852 and today has a global workforce of more than 14,000 employees in 40 countries. In 2023, the company generated a turnover of 3 billion euros. Website:
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