OSL Appointed First Virtual Asset Trading Platform and Sub-Custodian for Harvest Global’s First Spot
HONG KONG, April 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - OSL Digital Securities, a leading licensed digital asset platform and a core entity of OSL Group (863.HK), is honoured to be appointed as the first virtual asset trading platform and sub-custodian for the Harvest Global’s first spot BTC/ETH ETF, which has just received approval in principle for authorisation for public offering in Hong Kong. This partnership signifies a pivotal development in the region's financial sector, introducing a new era of digital asset investment.
Spot BTC/ETH ETFs have been much anticipated globally, and viewed as a transformative vehicle for funnelling substantial funds and investors into the digital asset space. The direct exposure mechanism these ETFs offer simplifies investment in digital assets like Bitcoin, enhancing accessibility and market liquidity.
In this collaboration, OSL leverages its robust infrastructure to provide a secure trading environment essential for the ETF's operation, managing the underlying assets with precision and reliability. As a sub-custodian, OSL ensures the utmost security and regulatory compliance, offering top-tier custody services that uphold the integrity and safety of the managed assets.
“We are honored to support this milestone as a key stakeholder and extend our gratitude to Harvest Global for selecting OSL as their first virtual asset trading platform and sub-custody partner,” stated Patrick Pan, Chairman of the Board & CEO of OSL. “This not only underscores the trust and confidence placed in us but also solidifies OSL’s reputation as a premier entity in the Hong Kong digital asset market, akin to how leading issuers in the U.S. choose reputable platforms like Coinbase.”
As Hong Kong’s only publicly listed company fully dedicated to digital assets, OSL Group (863.HK)’s strategic position in the market is strengthened by its comprehensive regulatory compliance, extensive operational experience, and strong market reputation, underscored by a successful SOC 2 Type 2 audit. These factors, combined with OSL’s innovative B2B2C model and institutional-grade services, ensure that OSL is not just participating in the market but leading the way in shaping the future of digital asset investments in Hong Kong.
To learn more about OSL, please visit osl.com
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