DALI Alliance Launch Test and Certification Specifications for DALI+
LONDON, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The DALI Alliance, recognized as the international authority in lighting technology standardization, has unveiled much-anticipated certification details for its wireless specification: DALI+ over Thread.
As lighting specifications increasingly seek smarter, sustainable, and interoperable solutions, DALI+ emerges as a crucial enabler of standardized wireless or IP-based lighting systems. The alliance's collaboration with partners such as Thread Group has resulted in the integration of enhanced security and encryption solutions, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data transmission within DALI+ networks.
Key features of DALI+ with Thread include:
- Wireless Mesh Network: Thread creates an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) based wireless mesh network. Off-the-shelf Thread border routers can also be used to connect multiple Thread networks through IP technologies, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi, allowing a highly scalable lighting control system.
- Extended Addressing: In addition to the standard 64 control gear and 64 control device addresses, DALI+ with Thread IPv6 routing allows almost unlimited addressing capability. The usual DALI broadcast, group and short-addressing methods are included together with IP unicast and multicast capability.
- Interoperability: DALI+ certification includes all the benefits of the existing DALI-2 and D4i certification programs with extensive testing, independent verification, and listing of every certified product in a publicly searchable product database to ensure a high level of product interoperability. Furthermore, DALI+ bridge devices will allow DALI-2 wired devices or systems to connect with and operate with the products in a DALI+ wireless system.
- Device Support: DALI+ supports a wide array of control devices, including occupancy sensors, light sensors, switches, sliders, rotaries, and pushbuttons. Control gear support currently includes LED drivers with the three optional data parts: luminaire data, power and energy, and diagnostics data.
Paul Drosihn, General Manager of the DALI Alliance, expressed enthusiasm about the launch, stating, “This represents a significant advancement in DALI-enabled technology. Our members and users will experience the benefits of enhanced wireless interoperability and strengthened sustainability credentials.” Drosihn continues, “Moreover, this milestone underscores our steadfast commitment to driving innovation and nurturing eco-conscious solutions within the industry. By leveraging the potential of DALI technology, we are not only revolutionizing lighting controls but also laying the groundwork for a more sustainable future for generations to come.”
Commenting on the collaboration, Klaus Waechter, VP Commercial Buildings at Thread, said, “We are proud to collaborate with the DALI Alliance in utilizing Thread technology in the DALI+ specification. This partnership underscores our commitment to advancing wireless connectivity and interoperability for commercial grade markets and the lighting industry in general.”
For more information, please contact press@parrotprandmarketing.com
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/cab88b27-8652-41d6-a8b9-23f872dd416c
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