Teledyne FLIR IIS announces a new stereo vision product for high accuracy robotics applications
Bumblebee X is the latest GigE powered stereo imaging solution that delivers on high-accuracy and low-latency for robotic guidance and pick & place applications
RICHMOND, British Columbia, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Teledyne FLIR IIS is pleased to announce the Bumblebee® X series – an advanced stereo vision solution built on our best-in-class stereo vision portfolio. Our legacy of stereo vision solutions started over 25 years ago with Point Grey Research’s Triclops® and Digiclops®. Now, we have actualized a new industrial stereo camera Bumblebee X and a software Spinnaker® 3D that offer a comprehensive solution with onboard processing to build successful systems for warehouse automation, robotics guidance, and logistics.
“We're thrilled to announce the release of Bumblebee X, a new comprehensive solution for tackling complex depth sensing challenges with ease,” said Sadiq Panjwani, General Manager at Teledyne FLIR IIS. “Our team's extensive stereo vision expertise and careful attention to customer insights have informed the design of the hardware, software, and processing at the core of Bumblebee X. With high accuracy across a large range of distances, this solution is perfect for factories and warehouses.”
Bumblebee X delivers on the essential need for a comprehensive and real-time stereo vision solution. Customers can test and deploy depth sensing systems that work up to ranges of 20 meters with the wide baseline solution. The low latency makes it ideal for real-time applications such as autonomous mobile robots, automated guided vehicles, pick and place, bin picking, and palletization.
Key features include:
- Factory calibrated 24 cm baseline stereo vision with 3 MP sensors for high accuracy and low latency real-time applications
- IP67 industrial rated vision system with ordering options of color and monochrome, different field-of-views, and 1GigE or 5GigE PoE
- Onboard processing to output a depth map and color data for point cloud conversion and colorization
- Ability to trigger an external pattern projector and synchronize multiple systems together for more precise 3D depth information
- Software library with articles, example code and Windows, Linux, and Robotics Operating System (ROS) support
For more information about Bumblebee X, visit the website. Order requests will be accepted at the end of Q2, 2024.
Visit us at Automate 2024, Booth #636, from May 6-9, 2024, for the first live demonstration of Bumblebee X.
About Teledyne FLIR IIS
Teledyne FLIR IIS (Integrated Imaging Solutions), a Teledyne Technologies company, designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes industrial-grade technologies that enhance productivity and development. The company provides innovative sensing solutions through machine vision, spherical imaging, and stereo-imaging technologies. Teledyne FLIR IIS offers a diversified portfolio that serves a wide variety of applications in industrial, medical, geospatial, and advanced robotics markets. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Farhad Kazi, Marketing Communications Specialist
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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