ACAMS Assembly APAC to Highlight the Evolution of Anti-Financial Crime Measures in the Asia-Pacific
The two-day gathering will address efforts to meet FATF’s standards, emerging technologies, fraud challenges, cryptoasset complexities and sanctions conflict
HONG KONG, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - ACAMS, a leading international membership organization dedicated to the fight against illicit finance, will hold a two-day anti-financial crime (AFC) training and networking event beginning on April 22 at the Kerry Hotel, Hong Kong. The Assembly APAC 2024 will offer attendees expert guidance and practical insights, addressing how the region’s AFC professionals can prepare for the latest regulations and meet compliance expectations.
The event will cover timely topics, from complex sanctions that can leave financial institutions grappling with conflicts of law, to technological developments including AI that yield new opportunities and challenges.
There will be a deep dive into APAC's evolving compliance landscape, addressing ways to prepare for the Financial Action Task Force's (FATF) fifth round of mutual evaluations, mitigate export control evasion risks, understand recent regulatory developments pertaining to virtual asset service providers (VASPs), and learn about domestic and global efforts to investigate and deter fraud.
The Assembly APAC 2024 will feature a session wherein regulators will share their views on current developments in the region. More than 50 speakers will also address timely topics such as ‘pig butchering’ and other scams, conflicts linked to sanctions and emerging geopolitical risk, and a thorough examination of Korea's Travel Rule implementation.
Keynote speakers will include Carmen Chu, JP, Executive Director (Enforcement and AML), Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and Jesse Baker, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Middle East, Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes, U.S. Department of the Treasury.
"The Assembly APAC will offer invaluable insights essential for compliance professionals grappling with growing regulatory requirements and emerging illicit-finance threats that continue to reshape how AFC compliance is conducted," said ACAMS CEO, Neil Sternthal. "But in addition to highlighting the most significant AFC threats and revealing best practices and pathways to capacity building, the event will, importantly, facilitate meaningful conversations and networking opportunities."
For more information on The Assembly APAC 2024, including access to the agenda and registration portal, please visit: Members of the media in Hong Kong who wish to attend the conference in person, can register by sending an email request to with their full name and the organization they represent.
About ACAMS®
ACAMS is a leading international membership organization dedicated to providing opportunities for anti-financial crime (AFC) education, best practices, and peer-to-peer networking to AFC professionals globally. With over 100,000 members across 180 jurisdictions, ACAMS is committed to the mission of ending financial crime through the provision of anti-money laundering/counterterrorism-financing and sanctions knowledge-sharing, thought leadership, risk-mitigation services, ESG initiatives, and platforms for public-private dialogue. The association’s CAMS certification is the gold-standard qualification for AFC professionals, while its CGSS and CCAS certifications are for sanctions professionals and AFC practitioners working in the crypto space, respectively. ACAMS’ 60+ Chapters globally further amplify the association’s mission through training and networking initiatives. Visit for more information.
Media Contact:
Lashvinder Kaur
+44 7388 264478
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