TokenEx and IXOPAY to Merge, Enabling Merchants to Optimize the Use of Multiple Payment Processors
Payments Optimization Platform for Global Commerce Delivers Omnichannel Tokenization, Payments Orchestration, and Card Lifecycle Management
TULSA, Okla. and VIENNA, Austria, April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - TokenEx, the leading cloud tokenization provider, and IXOPAY, the leading independent payments orchestration platform, today are announcing their definitive agreement to merge, creating a new leader in global payments optimization. The combined company will be called IXOPAY, a TokenEx Company, and Marc Olesen will lead the combined organization as CEO. Customers will benefit from a comprehensive platform that enables increased authorization rates and decreased interchange fees for merchants, along with PCI-certified secure payment data.
This merger brings together the strengths of TokenEx’s expertise in tokenization of payment data, and IXOPAY's world-class payments orchestration, including transaction routing & reconciliation capabilities.
“This merger marks a significant milestone in the payments industry,” said Marc Olesen, CEO. “By joining forces, IXOPAY, a TokenEx Company is uniquely positioned to help merchants develop a payments strategy that optimizes the use of multiple payment processors to enhance both top and bottom-line results.”
TokenEx’s merger with IXOPAY marks a pivotal step in the transformation of the payments industry toward supporting a multi-processor approach to payments, delivering a complete unified payments platform that includes:
- Omnichannel Tokenization — Universal Tokens enable merchants to use one payment token for in-person and online transactions and all payment processors. This eliminates storing payment data in multiple systems, reduces system complexity, and provides unified customer data.
- Payments Orchestration — This highly scalable payments orchestration platform for merchants delivers intelligent routing, cascading, and state-of-the-art risk management functions as well as centralized reconciliation and settlements along with plugin-based integration of over 200 acquirers, Alternative Payment Methods, and payment service providers.
- Card Lifecycle Management — A complete set of capabilities for managing the entire transaction lifecycle at scale, including updating expired cards, leveraging the efficiency of network tokens, streamlined routing with BIN Lookup, and authenticating transactions with 3D Secure.
“By merging with TokenEx we not only bring together our unique capabilities to become the most comprehensive payments platform for global merchants, but we can also utilize the expertise of the TokenEx team to provide first-class service to our primarily European customers in the U.S. market,” said Rene Siegl, Founder and Executive Chairman of IXOPAY. “For merchants who value the competitive advantage that comes with treating payments as strategic, IXOPAY, a TokenEx Company will ultimately deliver a complete omnichannel payments optimization platform with best-in-class tokenization and intelligent transaction routing — giving merchants unprecedented control over their revenue and the competitive edge to thrive in global commerce.” Both Rene Siegl, Founder and Nathalie Siegl, CEO will remain with IXOPAY, a TokenEx Company as executives.
About TokenEx
TokenEx is a cloud tokenization and payment optimization provider committed to helping organizations safely and compliantly process and transmit sensitive data. Its industry-leading solution for data protection can secure and desensitize any structured data element to reduce risk, streamline operations, and enable critical business processes.
IXOPAY is a best-of-breed payment orchestration platform offering flexible and independent global payment processing options. IXOPAY provides smart transaction routing with cascading, state-of-the-art risk and fraud management, fully automated reconciliation and settlements processing, comprehensive reporting and access to hundreds of acquirers, payment service providers and alternative payment methods.
Media Contact:
Nicholas Mueller
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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