Duck Creek Hosts Annual One Duck Creek Summit to Build Connection, Belonging and Community
COLUMBIA, S.C., April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Today, Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, hosts its One Duck Creek Summit in Columbia, South Carolina, bringing employees together from across the globe. Attendees are recognized for their roles in the many councils and programs that help Duck Creek create a culture of excellence in insurance and technology.
The diverse group will convene over the next two days to discuss the past year’s goals and objectives and plan for the future to continue enhancing Duck Creek’s award-winning culture. Duck Creek endeavors to foster a culture of belonging and respect, where every voice is heard and valued.
“As a global company, we recognize the importance of having a diverse and inclusive workforce that reflects the communities and customers we serve,” said Amy Bayer, Global Director of DE&I, Engagement & Culture at Duck Creek. “We believe our DE&I programs are imperative for our employees, but also a strategic advantage that enables us to innovate, collaborate, and deliver better solutions for our clients. The One Duck Creek Summit is a great opportunity to celebrate our achievements, share best practices, and inspire each other to continue building a great culture.”
The Summit kicks off with Mike Jackowski, Chief Executive Officer of Duck Creek Technologies. Jackowski will highlight the importance of promoting strong company values that focus on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEI&B) and a positive employee experience. The Summit also features keynote speakers which empower employees to connect and learn about other successful workplaces and cultures.
"We are proud to recognize and celebrate the different backgrounds, ideas and experiences our employees bring to Duck Creek," said Courtney Townsend, Chief People Officer at Duck Creek Technologies. "Nurturing an environment of belonging and inclusion is the foundation of an exceptional employee experience and a source of competitive advantage and innovation. Our flexible-first, global workplace allows us to attract and retain the best talent, regardless of location, and empowers our employees to work in ways that suit their preferences and needs."
One of the highlights of the annual summit is a social impact event. This year, Duck Creek has partnered with Ronald McDonald House Charities in Columbia. Summit attendees will support their Pack-a-Smile program, offering close family members of children receiving care at local hospitals a quick, nutritious bagged lunch. This allows family members not to have to leave the bedside or wonder when or where their next meal will come from.
About Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and X.
Media Contacts:
Dennis Dougherty
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