Giambattista Valli dazzles Barcelona during the Bridal Night
BARCELONA, Spain, April 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The most exclusive fashion show of the Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week charmed over 450 guests last night who enjoyed a unique show in the historic building of the Llotja de Mar. The Maison Giambattista Valli exclusively celebrated the runway debut of its bridal collection during the Bridal Night, the gala evening of the event organized by Fira de Barcelona with the support of the Catalan Ministry of Business and Labor.
In an extraordinary show, Giambattista Valli's 30 creations shone with their own light. It was a culmination of silhouettes, representing a comprehensive exhibition of Mr. Valli’s concept of contemporary bridal dressing, inviting his audience to witness the manifestation of his vision, translated into a presentation that embodies the essence of individuality, sharing a dream and a celebration and love.
The fashion show featured ten dresses from the third “Love Collection,” ten iconic silhouettes from the first and second “Love Collections” and ten Haute Couture creations, inspiring the magnificence and the savoir-faire of the Ateliers, stepping away from classic wedding rituals and focusing on the significance of the emotions of the “moment” and the joys of celebrations. Infused with the Maison’s idyllic aesthetic and excellence, Valli's dresses stood out with a contemporary edge, whether through clean lines, unforgettable volumes or unexpected details inspired by the personalities of an imaginary new group – Mr. Valli’s friends. This blend of classic and modern appeals to many brides worldwide looking for a unique wedding gown, in pure Valli style and tied to their own personal storytelling.
The prestigious designer was delighted after the show and said that, “I chose Barcelona and Bridal Fashion Week for the debut of my Love Collection 3 because it is an event that attracts a diverse audience of fashion enthusiasts, designers, buyers and media from all over the world, and provides me with maximum global visibility and opportunities for success.” He added, “In addition, Barcelona's romantic and cosmopolitan atmosphere matches perfectly with the theme of my collection, which celebrates love and romance.”
The Barcelona Bridal Night had a luxurious audience and front row, including it-girl, model and international fashion icon Olivia Palermo, model and countess Lara Cosima Henckel von Donnersmarck, stylist and designer Pelayo Diaz, actress Hiba Abouk, actress and model Blanca Romero, model Marco Llorente, and TV hostess and actress Marta Torné, among other personalities.
Images available here.
For media requests please contact:
Salvador Bilurbina
phone: +34628162674
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