Uhnder Releases New 4D Digital Imaging Radar Chip to Bolster ADAS Applications for Mass Market Autom
AUSTIN, Texas, April 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Uhnder Inc., headquartered in Austin, Texas and renowned for its digital radar technology, is excited to unveil the commercial availability of its latest innovation, the S81 mass market imaging radar solution. Traditionally, the exorbitant costs of 4D imaging radars limited their enhanced safety benefits to high-end automobiles. However, the S81 revolutionizes this landscape by offering a compact 4D single-chip solution at an attractive price point, made possible by its utilization of Digital Code Modulation (DCM). This breakthrough drastically reduces the cost barrier for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and will catalyze the widespread adoption of this highly sought-after technology.
Featuring support for up to 96 MIMO channels, the S81 boasts exceptional High Contrast Resolution (HCR), enabling precise discrimination between closely positioned objects. Moreover, it establishes a new benchmark for interference mitigation and safeguards against spoofing attacks, addressing the safety and security concerns prevalent in legacy radar systems. The fully programmable single chip comes equipped with production-ready software, algorithms, APIs, and an array of system tools, empowering customers to accelerate their time to market and streamline development costs.
Manju Hegde, CEO of Uhnder, emphasized the paramount importance of road safety, stating, "Road safety is a universal priority for all drivers, passengers, and road users. We take great pride in enabling the automotive industry to extend the benefits of ADAS enhanced safety features to a wider audience."
The S81 is fully automotive qualified and ready for immediate deployment across various configurations, including front, rear, and corner radar setups, catering to the diverse requirements of automotive manufacturers
About Uhnder
Uhnder is a prominent radar technology company headquartered in Austin, Texas. Focusing on delivering the next-generation digital radar sensing solution, the company is dedicated to advancing automotive safety. Utilizing Digital Code Modulation (DCM), Uhnder's innovative radar-on-chip technology is fully software-defined, enabling unparalleled performance for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).
For more information, visit www.uhnder.com and follow Uhnder on LinkedIn.
Max Liberman
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