Gravitas Worldwide Streamlines Customs Clearance Using Descartes e-Customs™ Solution
LONDON and ATLANTA, April 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Descartes Systems Group (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG), the global leader in uniting logistics-intensive businesses in commerce, announced that global freight broker Gravitas Worldwide is more efficiently managing customs declarations for aerospace clients by using Descartes e-Customs™ to automate traditionally manual customs processes.
“We ship anything from aircraft engines to rivets for our clients. Since many shipments take place overnight, it is critical that we can manage and execute our own customs entries,” said Stuart Pople, Operations Director – Time Critical and Aerospace, Gravitas Worldwide. “Without Descartes e-Customs, we would have had to hire three or four people to support our monthly shipment volumes. Using the solution, we now manage customs declarations within minutes, not hours, which means our existing team gains significant productive time to focus on providing more strategic insights and value to clients.”
Descartes e-Customs is a secure, web-based solution that helps filers submit data to HMRC and other government agencies through a concise, easy-to-use interface. From template-driven declarations, client-specific data and the ability to duplicate previous declarations, Descartes e-Customs can adapt to the multiple ways that companies operate. To support the needs of both small and large operations, the solution can be integrated with freight management software as well as enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, which allows companies to manage inbound and outbound declarations from within one advanced solution.
“We’re delighted our solution is supporting Gravitas’ growing U.K. operations without requiring additional resources to comply with customs regulations and procedures,” said Lars Persson, VP Sales, Customs EMEA at Descartes. “For traders, customs brokers and forwarders who move goods across borders, keeping step with changing regulations is a primary challenge. Descartes’ robust solutions help companies of all sizes facilitate compliance at enhanced levels of productivity and accuracy, which streamlines cross-border trade for all parties involved.”
About Gravitas Worldwide Limited
Gravitas Worldwide covers a wide range of industries such as aviation, automotive, pharma, perishables, ship spares, and special projects. As a logistics company, we understand the importance of timely and efficient delivery of goods, especially when it comes to time-critical industries. With our years of experience and industry knowledge, we have the expertise to handle any consignment, no matter how complex or urgent. Our experts work together to ensure you have full and complete support from planning through to delivery. With specialists in China, India and Southeast Asia, we have an established network of worldwide partners to support both imports and exports. For more information, visit
About Descartes
Descartes (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG) is the global leader in providing on-demand, software-as-a-service solutions focused on improving the productivity, security and sustainability of logistics-intensive businesses. Customers use our modular, software-as-a-service solutions to route, track and help improve the safety, performance and compliance of delivery resources; plan, allocate and execute shipments; rate, audit and pay transportation invoices; access global trade data; file customs and security documents for imports and exports; and complete numerous other logistics processes by participating in the world’s largest, collaborative multimodal logistics community. Our headquarters are in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and we have offices and partners around the world. Learn more at, and connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Global Media Contact
Cara Strohack
Tel: +1(800) 419-8495 ext. 202025
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws (“forward-looking statements”) that relate to Descartes’ customs solution offerings and potential benefits derived therefrom; and other matters. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements or developments expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to, the factors and assumptions discussed in the section entitled, “Certain Factors That May Affect Future Results” in documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Ontario Securities Commission and other securities commissions across Canada including Descartes’ most recently filed management’s discussion and analysis. If any such risks actually occur, they could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition or results of operations. In that case, the trading price of our common shares could decline, perhaps materially. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purposes of providing information about management’s current expectations and plans relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. We do not undertake or accept any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in our expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as required by law.
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