OKX Ventures Collaborates with Stanford's Future of Digital Currency Initiative to Promote Bloc
SINGAPORE, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - OKX Ventures, the investment arm of leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, today announced a research and education collaboration with Stanford's Future of Digital Currency Initiative (FDCI), aiming to promote blockchain innovation and sustainability.
As part of the Stanford School of Engineering’s Department of Computer Science, FDCI is an industrial affiliates program led by a team of experts in computer science, economics, law and business, with the objective of driving innovation, collaboration and the future of digital currencies through education, research, and industry engagement.
Through this collaboration, OKX Ventures aims to advance the frontiers of knowledge, tackle industry challenges, and unlock new opportunities for innovation through a series of initiatives in research, knowledge-sharing, technical collaboration, and community activities engaging students, institutions, regulators and more. Partner of OKX Ventures Jeff Ren will also join the FDCI's Advisory Board to provide support with his veteran industry expertise.
Partner of OKX Ventures Jeff Ren said: "We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Stanford's Future Digital Currency Initiative, an institution known for its groundbreaking research and innovation in digital currencies. This collaboration reflects our mission to foster sustainability and drive positive change within the blockchain ecosystem. By combining our industry leadership and resources with Stanford's academic expertise and research capabilities, we aim to unlock new opportunities and accelerate the development of innovative solutions shaping the future of digital currencies."
FDCI Faculty Director Professor David Mazieres said: "We are thrilled to have OKX Ventures become a member of FDCI and to have Jeff Ren join our Advisory Board. We look forward to working with them as we continue our work to make digital currencies accessible, inclusive and to promote fair standards."
To advance digital currency technologies and shape a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient digital economy, OKX Ventures will also work with its partners to expand participation from wider academia, industry, and other communities to create a more positive impact on the digital currency ecosystem.
OKX Ventures has recently supported OKX Web3 in launching an educational campaign across the United States to foster the next generation of tech innovators. Teaming up with ecosystem collaborators to bring blockchain technology into classrooms, this initiative focuses on fostering a sustainable and inclusive future by empowering students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly digitized world.
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About OKX Ventures
OKX Ventures is the investment arm of the second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and Web3 technology company OKX, focusing on exploring the best blockchain projects on a global scale and supporting cutting-edge blockchain technology innovation.
Find out more about OKX Ventures here.
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