One Za'abeel launches The Offices, Dual Licensed Office Space in One Za'abeel Tower
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - One Za’abeel, the iconic mixed-use development developed by ICD (Investment Corporation of Dubai), is pleased to announce the launch of The Offices, its ultra-luxurious dual licensed corporate office spaces in One Za’abeel Tower. The Grade-A offices are set to become Dubai’s ultimate business address, attracting global and local organisations alike with its unique dual licensing for both Dubai World Trade Centre Free Zone (DWTC FZ) registered companies and those registered under the mainland.
One Za’abeel is comprised of two skyscrapers, One Za’abeel Tower and One Za’abeel The Residences, which are dissected by The Link, a 230m cantilevered building suspended 100 meters above the ground. The unique shape of the mixed-use development, coupled with its strategic location, garnered it the nickname “The Gateway to Dubai’s Central Business District.”
The Offices occupy 17 levels in One Za’abeel Tower and cover a total area of 280,000 sq ft.
Built with sustainability in mind, the development demonstrates exemplary environmental efficiency and sustainability standards and achieved LEED Gold certification in December 2023.
Characterised as smart offices, The Offices has incorporated smart technologies to provide automation and energy optimisation of all electrical, lighting, air conditioning, and ventilation systems. This allows for energy usage to be regulated, while simultaneously maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures and offering features such as floor to ceiling windows which provide an abundance of natural light and unobstructed views of the city. One Za’abeel is currently in the process of obtaining WiredScore and SmartScore certifications.
The Offices prime location within the mixed-use development allows ease of access to all of One Za’abeel’s offerings. Tenants can invite their guests to a meal at any of the many Michelin inspired restaurants in The Link, hold meetings or events at the conferencing facilities within the One&Only One Za’abeel resort, invite their guests to stay the resort or the unique fitness and recovery SIRO hotel, or simply meet at the shops and F&B on the retail podium.
Beyond the ecosystem of offerings at the development, additional distinguished services and advanced facilities at The Offices include 24/7 dedicated concierge and security services, 7 levels of basement and smart parking, valet services, and proximity to public transport.
Issam Galadari, Director of One Za’abeel Holdings commented: “We believe business success is accelerated with the right location, and hence we are pleased to launch The Offices at One Za’abeel Tower. Situated in the heart Dubai, this will undoubtedly become the ultimate business address for businesses and investors, offering luxurious, spacious, and connected offices with access to retail facilities, world-renowned hotels, and fine dining experiences only an elevator ride away. We look forward to welcoming innovative companies to The Offices and seeing them thrive as they utilise all that One Za’abeel has to offer.”
For further updates about One Za’abeel The Offices, kindly visit
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link
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