Amii's Upper Bound conference invites all to experience the future of AI
The third installment of Upper Bound delivers world-class research, prominent speakers, diverse sessions and unlimited possibilities for all
EDMONTON, Alberta, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute) is thrilled to welcome the global AI community to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for Upper Bound, May 21-24. Billed as "not your average AI conference", Upper Bound invites thousands of AI researchers, business leaders, students, enthusiasts and the AI curious to attend the multi-day event for AI-focused learning, discussion, debate and collaboration with some of the world's top thinkers, visionaries, and business innovators.
This year, Upper Bound features prominent speakers who are at the global forefront of AI research and applications. Among the distinguished speakers are:
- Richard S. Sutton, AI visionary and Amii Chief Scientific Advisor, often named the forefather of reinforcement learning.
- James Cameron, NVIDIA
- Anna Baird, Google
- Doina Precup, DeepMind
- Finbarr Timbers, MidJourney
"In today's rapidly evolving landscape, the imperative to embrace AI is more pronounced than ever. The transformative power of AI is reshaping industries, creating new possibilities and driving unprecedented growth. Now is the time for us to dive deep into the realm of AI, exploring its boundless potential and leveraging its capabilities for the greater good," said Cam Linke, CEO of Amii. "Upper Bound is a unique platform for the global AI community to convene, collaborate, and seize the opportunity to lead the charge in AI innovation. This is an invitation for all to explore the limitless possibilities of AI, embark on this collective journey and chart a course towards a brighter and optimistic AI-driven future."
This year Upper Bound will delve into a diverse array of program themes that are pivotal in today's AI-driven world. Attendees can expect deep dives into themes crucial for shaping the future of AI across various industries such as the Business of AI, AI in Agriculture, AI in Law, AI in Games, AI & Government Services, and more.
Complete overview of Upper Bound 2024 program themes
Designed with a diverse audience in mind, Upper Bound includes technical and non-technical sessions, community events, demos, networking socials and the biggest party in town – the official Upper Bound Party.
Last year more than 3000 attendees from 22 countries attended Upper Bound with Amii awarding over 800 Talent Bursaries to recipients from all over the world and 81% of recipients self-identifying as a marginalized group in STEM.
Choose your Upper Bound experience: $500 4-day all-access conference pass
Upper Bound is proudly presented by Amii. A global leader in AI research and industry solutions, Amii is one of the three national AI Institutes and centres of excellence under the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy. Learn more at
For media inquiries, media passes and interviews contact:
Lynda Vang, Communications Specialist
About Amii
One of Canada's three centres of AI excellence as part of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, Amii is an Alberta-based non-profit institute that supports world-leading research in artificial intelligence and machine learning and translates scientific advancement into industry adoption. Amii grows AI capacity by advancing leading-edge research, delivering exceptional training offerings, and providing business advice to build in-house AI capabilities. For more information, visit:
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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