Getmyboat and Visa Announce Exclusive Partnership for Premium Customers
MENLO PARK, Calif., May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Getmyboat, the world's leading boat rental and charter marketplace, has forged an exclusive strategic partnership with Visa's Platinum, Signature & Infinite cardholders. This unique collaboration is a significant milestone in enhancing the travel and leisure experiences of Visa's valuable customers, offering them unparalleled access to the world of boating adventures.
Under this partnership, Visa cardholders will enjoy exclusive offers and benefits when they book a boat day through Getmyboat. These benefits include special discounts, priority booking, and access to unique packages tailored for Visa's premium cardholders. This initiative will enrich Visa's cardholders, providing them with unparalleled experiences and savings when exploring boating and yachting activities worldwide.
"We are thrilled to partner with Visa to elevate the experiences of our mutual customers," said Doug Bird, VP of Sales & Business Development for Getmyboat. "We're so excited to help make every travel adventure even more unforgettable with a boat day.”
“Visa is committed to meeting the evolving needs of our affluent cardholders. Through this partnership with Getmyboat, we're bringing Visa cardholders unforgettable and seamless adventures on the water that redefine leisure, travel and luxury living,” said Yuri Topunov, Visa's VP and Head of Products for MENA.
This partnership aligns with Getmyboat's mission to create a world that boats together, everywhere. By joining forces with Visa, Getmyboat continues to innovate and deliver unmatched value to travelers seeking unique and memorable experiences across the globe.
For more information about this partnership and the exclusive offers available, please visit
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Val Streif
Marketing Manager
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