Inteleos to Host Roundtable on Advancing Maternal Health through Point-Of-Care-Ultrasound Certificat
Global healthcare certification leader convenes experts to discuss ultrasound training and certification as key strategy to reduce maternal mortality
ROCKVILLE, Md., May 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Inteleos, a non-profit global healthcare certification organization, will host a roundtable discussion titled "Advancing Maternal and Fetal Health through POCUS Training and Certification" on May 29 alongside a side event during the WHO World Health Assembly and the AI for Good Global Summit.
The roundtable will explore the urgent need to expand point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) training and certification for frontline maternal health clinicians as a crucial intervention for reducing preventable maternal deaths and achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals, and how to implement to scale.
Despite the increased availability of affordable ultrasound technology, there remains a significant training gap that limits access to this diagnostic tool, especially in low-resource areas with high maternal mortality rates. The event aims to drive policy changes and implementation of standardized guidelines to enable midwives, nurses and clinical officers to perform point-of-of-care obstetric ultrasounds.
"Empowering more frontline healthcare providers with relevant obstetrical POCUS knowledge, skills and abilities can revolutionize maternal care through better clinical management and risk identification leading to appropriate referrals," said Inteleos Chief Business Development Officer Pamela Ruiz. "This roundtable will explore sustainable governance and business models to rapidly scale this life-saving capability."
The event is set for Wednesday, May 29, from 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. GMT the Warwick Hotel in Geneva, Switzerland and is open to all World Health Assembly, AI for Good attendees and media. Advanced registration is required, and capacity is limited.
About Inteleos
Inteleos™ is a non-profit organization that fuels the global health community to ensure access to quality care. Inteleos is the overarching governance and management organization for the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography® (ARDMS®) the Alliance for Physician Certification & Advancement™ (APCA™) and the Point-of-Care Ultrasound Certification Academy™ (PCA) which together represents more than 141,000 certified medical professionals throughout the world. The Inteleos Foundation represents the philanthropic efforts for the organization.
Contact: Stacia Momburg
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