2024 年 5 月 7 日- 苏州申赛新材料有限公司(“苏州申赛”)宣布其与位于英国克罗伊登的一家知名发泡材料公司Zotefoams签署全球联盟协议。
苏州申赛和 Zotefoams 是两家业内领先的物理发泡技术公司,他们在技术和市场上相互补益。这一全球联盟将 Zotefoams 在氮气发泡的百年历史与苏州申赛在发泡技术上的最新创新相结合。
Zotefoams plc,总部位于英国克罗伊登,是一家知名的的高分子发泡材料制造商,自1921年成立以来,一直在高端发泡材料技术领域扮演着重要角色。产品被广泛应用于航空航天、汽车、医疗、高性能鞋底材料等行业。其是NIKE ZoomX系列跑鞋中底材料的全球独家供应商。
该联盟包括苏州申赛向 Zotefoams 的授权技术许可、市场开发和合作协议,以及产品的区域分销协议,其中 苏州申赛独特技术的某些产品将与 Zotefoams 现有和未来的产品系列一起销售。两家公司还将在产品开发方面进行合作,相信这一联盟是发泡行业向前迈出的重要一步。两家公司携手共进,共同致力于可持续发展和创新。
苏州申赛CEO姜博士表示:“此次联盟是将尖端发泡技术与全球营销专业知识相结合的一个很好的例子,不仅将提高创新效率,而且将环保意识推向更高的水平。我们非常乐观地期待与 Zotefoams 的合作将结出更可持续的成果。”
Zotefoams 集团CEO David Stirling 表示:“姜博士和他的申赛公司开发的技术给我留下了深刻的印象。他们使用物理发泡剂实现环保发泡的目标与 Zotefoams 的愿景和市场完美契合。这一联盟创造了一个令人激动的机会,即通过可持续的解决方案来增强我们在特种发泡材料业务上的增长潜力。”
Zotefoams and Shincell Global Alliance
7th. May 2024 – Suzhou Shincell New Materials Co., Ltd (“Shincell”) announces its Global Alliance Agreement with Zotefoams plc. (“Zotefoams”), a well-known enterprise in cellular materials, of Cryoden, United Kingdom.
Zotefoams and Shincell are two industry-leading technological companies that complement each other in technology and the marketplace. This global alliance combines the great strength of Zotefoams' 100-year history supercritical N2 foaming with Shincell's latest innovations in supercritical foaming.
Zotefoams plc, headquartered in Croydon, UK, is a well-known manufacturer of polymer foams and has been a key player in high-end foams technology since its inception in 1921. Products are widely used in aerospace, automotive, medical, high-performance sole materials and other industries. It is the exclusive global supplier of NIKE in its ZoomX series running shoe midsole materials.
Shincell, based in Suzhou, China, was founded in 2019 by Dr Xiulei Jiang, who has over 20 years’ experience in supercritical foaming research and technology. Shincell is a company dedicated to developing sustainable foaming technologies and manufacturing clean, environmentally friendly lightweight foam materials. The company uses nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases commonly found in the air to expand plastics and form a large number of micro and nano bubbles inside, a purely physical foaming process.
The alliance consists of agreements on technology licensing from Shincell to Zotefoams, market development and co-operation, and regional product distribution agreements, where certain products made of Shincell’s unique technology will be marketed alongside with Zotefoams’ existing and future product range. The companies will also co-operate on product R&D. We are confident that this strong alliance means a significant milstone for the physical foaming industry. The two companies will work hand in hand with a shared commitment to sustainability and innovation.
Zotefoams will pay technology licensing fees of RMB 80million over the 5-year term of the agreement, which will support further the technological and business development of Shincell.
Dr. Jiang, CEO of Shincell, comments, “This alliance is a great example of combining cutting edge foaming technology and global marketing expertise, which not only enhance innovation efficiency but also improve environmental awareness to a higher level. We are very optimistic that our collaboration with Zotefoams will yield more sustainable results.”
David Stirling, CEO of Zotefoams Group , comments, “I am very impressed with the technology developed by Dr. Jiang and his Shincell team. Their goal of environmentally friendly foaming using physical foaming agents aligns perfectly with Zotefoams’ vision and markets. This alliance is an exciting opportunity to enhance the growth potential of our specialist foams business with sustainable solutions.”
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