Ecorobotix Develops New Crop Algorithms for its AI-Powered Software
YVERDON-LES-BAINS, Switzerland, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ecorobotix, a sustainable Swiss Agtech firm, active in the field of AI-based weeding, proudly announces the ongoing development of its newest AI software algorithms, now available as “beta versions” for testing by Ecorobotix clients. These new algorithms mark a significant advancement in crop compatibility, offering new application possibilities for the ARA ultra-high precision sprayer.
Which new crop algorithms are under development?
- Dicots in wheat
- Carrots
- Volunteer potatoes in chicory
- Dock + Thistle
- Cotton
- Soy
Clients with an ARA sprayer can access these crop algorithms free of charge for a limited time. New clients in 2024 can also benefit from this opportunity. Clients interested in testing these algorithms are encouraged to reach out to the Ecorobotix sales team to update their ARA.
Among the algorithms, the carrot algorithm stands out as particularly robust, already garnering praise from early adopters, with recent feedback showcasing impressive results in a client's field in France.
Ensuring the versatility of the ARA sprayer across various fields and crop types is a top priority for Ecorobotix, necessitating the regular introduction of new algorithms. Ecorobotix's Plant-by-Plant AI Software boasts a comprehensive range of approximately 20 different crop algorithms, offering versatility and adaptability across various spraying methods. In addition to herbicides, the ARA sprayer can precisely apply insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, and biostimulants, reducing up to as much as 95% of these chemicals. For crops not covered by specific algorithms, the software's All-Green algorithm or Row Algorithm provides adaptable solutions.
The ARA sprayer is available in approximately 15 European countries, Canada, South America, and the United States. Those interested in harnessing the power of ARA can reach out to the Ecorobotix sales team for inquiries.
About Ecorobotix
Ecorobotix, a Swiss Certified B Corporation®, was established with a transformative vision to revolutionize agriculture by prioritizing environmental preservation through the reduction of chemical and energy usage, as well as minimizing soil impact. Ecorobotix developed its ARA smart sprayer which combines both Ecorobotix’s AI Plant-by-Plant™ software and UHP-Spray-Technology™, together providing an innovative solution that operates at a plant-by-plant level, delivering unparalleled precision in crop treatment. ARA achieves remarkable reductions in inputs while simultaneously boosting crop yields and substantially curtailing CO2 emissions. Visit to learn more.
Contact Ecorobotix
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