New Mountain Capital Opens Tokyo Office
New office will focus on deepening client relationships in Japan and Asia
Will be led by firm and industry veteran Andrew Barous
New Mountain Capital, LLC (“New Mountain”), a leading alternative investment firm with approximately $45 billion of assets under management1 across private equity, credit and net lease real estate, today announced the opening of its Tokyo office. Led by Andrew Barous, a Managing Director and 18-year veteran of New Mountain, the new office will focus on deepening client relationships and expanding the firm’s investor base across Asia. Investment activity will remain focused on defensive-growth middle-market companies headquartered in North America.
"We are pleased to announce the opening of our Tokyo office to foster our many existing partnerships and relationships and forge new ones in Japan and throughout Asia,” said Steve Klinsky, Founder and CEO. “Our consistent focus on ‘defensive growth’ and business building continues to resonate well with institutional investors in Asia, as well as around the globe, and we look forward to growing our presence here.”
Since the Firm’s founding in 1999, New Mountain’s focus on building great businesses across a range of carefully selected, non-cyclical sectors have delivered a consistent track record of strong performance. The firm has grown to more than 250 people globally with over 20 transaction leaders and 40 operating partners.
"Establishing our office in Tokyo represents a significant milestone and I am proud to be a part of overseeing this important expansion,” said Andrew Barous, Managing Director. “Creating close and lasting partnerships is our guiding principle in engaging with investors and having a physical presence in Asia is strategically important in providing better service to our partners and showcasing our commitment to the region."
“We were fortunate to form our first investor relationship in Japan in 2005 and now have over 50 partners across Asia,” said Adam Weinstein, Chief Operating Officer and CFO. “Establishing an office in Tokyo will enable us to create deeper and stronger relationships with institutions in the region.”
The Tokyo office is in Roppongi and officially named New Mountain Capital Japan GK. This office has secured a Type II Financial Instruments Business Operator License.
About New Mountain Capital
New Mountain Capital is a New York-based alternative investment firm that emphasizes business building and growth as it pursues long-term capital appreciation. The firm currently manages private equity, credit, and net lease real estate funds with approximately $45 billion in assets under management as of September 30, 2023. New Mountain seeks out what it believes to be the highest quality growth leaders in carefully selected “defensive growth” industry sectors and then works intensively with management to build the value of these companies. Additional information about New Mountain Capital is available at
1 Includes asset valuations and amounts committed, not all of which, have been drawn down and invested to date as of September 30, 2023. Includes amounts committed for private equity strategy as of December 1, 2023. |
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