INRED and SES to Provide High-Throughput Connectivity Across Colombia’s Amazonas
The Amazonas Digital initiative will see INRED leverage SES’s MEO satellites in Colombia to connect more than 500 homes, schools and government entities across the city of Leticia and other rural areas in Amazonas
Following a series of successful collaborations to close the digital divide, Colombian local connectivity service provider INRED and SES will deliver high-throughput connectivity services via SES’s Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites to more than 500 homes, schools, government entities, and thousands of habitants in the department of Amazonas, both companies announced today.
With the aim of supporting the Colombian government’s efforts to connect remote and hard-to-reach locations under the Amazonas Digital initiative, INRED is leveraging SES’s MEO satellites to connect the city of Leticia and other rural areas in Amazonas. SES’s MEO satellites, which orbit at 8,000 km above the Earth’s surface, will play a major role in complementing the government’s digital inclusion initiatives to deliver connectivity to even the most hard-to-reach regions in the country, ensuring people and businesses in these areas have equal access to social and economic opportunities.
“Having a long-term partner such as SES, who operates satellites in both geostationary and MEO orbits and knows our connectivity needs well, we have full trust in SES offering the most ideal satellite network to pave the way to a better social and economic future for the people of Colombia,” says John Ureña, Chief Executive Officer of INRED.
“At SES we are committed to supporting our partners to close the digital divide. We have previously enabled INRED to connect nearly one million people in 1,300 sites across Colombia with free Wi-Fi access,” said Omar Trujillo, Vice President of Enterprise Americas at SES. “Today we expand our collaboration as INRED leverages our MEO satellites to connect the population of the city of Leticia with low-latency, high-throughput connectivity that will allow for better access to educational and governmental services.”
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About SES
SES has a bold vision to deliver amazing experiences everywhere on earth by distributing the highest quality video content and providing seamless data connectivity services around the world. As a leader in global content connectivity solutions, SES owns and operates the world’s only geosynchronous orbit and medium earth orbit (GEO-MEO) constellation of satellites with the unique combination of global coverage and high performance. By leveraging its vast and intelligent, cloud-enabled network, SES delivers high-quality connectivity solutions anywhere on land, at sea or in the air, and is a trusted partner to the world’s leading telecommunications companies, mobile network operators, governments, connectivity and cloud service providers, broadcasters, video platform operators and content owners. SES’s video network carries over 6,400 channels, reaching 363 million households, delivering managed media services for both linear and non-linear content. The company is headquartered in Luxembourg and listed on Paris and Luxembourg stock exchanges (Ticker: SESG). Further information is available at:
INRED was created in 2002 as an engineering company that has become a relevant player in the ICT sector, with know-how in integral networking services for diverse markets. INRED has established itself as one of the main solution providers for projects promoting social inclusion in Colombia. Due to the new partnership with SES, INRED has expanded their portfolio, integrating layers of value and reaching end users with 'turnkey' solutions for high performance satellite connectivity.
INRED provides satellite-enabled telecommunications services and last-mile solutions. The company offers state-of-the-art technology solutions in places where the telecommunications infrastructure is deficient or non-existent. INRED has national coverage and specialized professionals that ensure the operation and management of projects in the ICT sector are delivered under the premise of quality, commitment and passion for customer satisfaction. Further information is available at:
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