Pirelli: Tyres for two iconic Porsches
Pirelli: Tyres for two iconic Porsches, extreme adventures in desert and ice
Pirelli kicks off 2024 by outfitting the extreme adventures of two iconic Porsches, using Scorpion All Terrain Plus tyres for the Porsche 911 Dakar in the African desert and studded Stella Bianca tyres for the Porsche 550 Spyder on the icy track of Zell Am See.
ROME, Jan. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pirelli kicks off 2024 by outfitting the extreme adventures of two iconic Porsches, using Scorpion All Terrain Plus tyres for the Porsche 911 Dakar in the African desert and studded Stella Bianca tyres for the Porsche 550 Spyder on the icy track of Zell Am See. This marks a historic collaboration between Pirelli and the Stuttgart-based automaker, with the Porsche 911 being the first model to sport Pirelli tires back in 1982.
The Porsche 911 Dakar, fitted with Pirelli Scorpion All Terrain Plus tyres approved for the model, covered 7,000 kilometres across asphalt, sand, dirt roads, and rocky terrain without ever changing tyres. The vehicle, driven by its owner, started from Porsche Zentrum Inntal (Rosenheim), south of Munich in Germany, reaching Dakar, the capital of Senegal, following the route of the Africa Eco Race rally. An outstanding achievement for Pirelli Scorpion All Terrain Plus tyres, which, despite having road approval, tackled the raid route alongside race cars, safely bringing the car to the finish line.
The Pirelli Scorpion All Terrain Plus tyre was specifically developed for the original equipment of the Porsche 911 Dakar, supporting the high-performance characteristics typical of a 911 while enabling it to face the most challenging off-road conditions. Pirelli combined these features within a single tyre through the introduction of a particular compound family and a design that optimised the product's footprint and strengthened its structure.
Another legendary Porsche model faced extreme conditions with Pirelli equipment, this time on ice: the Porsche 550 Spyder at the F.A.T. Ice Race 2024, an event where Pirelli is the official partner. These cars were equipped with custom-made Stella Bianca tyres, studded for this particular occasion. The Stella Bianca, Pirelli's longest-running tread pattern, is also available in sizes 5.00/5.25-16 for the Porsche 550 Spyder and 356 Pre-A, respectively, the first mid-engine racing car from the German brand and the first mass-produced model in Stuttgart. Available on the market from February, the tyre from the Pirelli Collezione range, dedicated to classic cars, retains the original appearance but incorporates modern technology for efficiency and safety, even in wet conditions.
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Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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