《Murphy Interviews》:Hello, global audiences. I’m the state leaders interview column《Murphy Interviews》founder Murphy DENGTing. Right now I’m on the spot of Consular Service in the Community Activity of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York
President Zhaoyin CHEN: Hello,I'm the President of FUJIAN ASSOCIATION of U.S.A
《Murphy Interviews》: President CHEN, should you please share your reflection of participating in the Consular Service in the Community Activity of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York for global audiences today?And the specific content of this consular service?
President Zhaoyin CHEN: Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to China Government for the care towards overseas Chinese Americans. The FUJIAN ASSOCIATION of U.S.A is merely a place for consular services to enter the community, providing better access to consular services for the Chinese compatriots of Flushing and Queens in New York. At the same time, it brings the New York Consul General even more close in touch with Chinese-Americans living here.This consular community service has accepted the replacement of passports for Chinese-Americans over 60 years old, applications for travel permits for children (replacement and initial processing), and proof of health.
《Murphy Interviews》: May I ask President Chen, why did the Consulate General of P.R.C in New York choose to provide consular services at the community event venue under your leadership at the FUJIAN ASSOCIATION of U.S.A?
President Zhaoyin CHEN: Flushing has gathered many members of various provincial-level overseas Chinese-American leaders, and now Flushing is equivalent to the second Chinatown, so consular services are more needed to enter the vicinity of overseas Chinese. The Fujian Association in the United States happens to be located in Flushing.
《Murphy Interviews》:Could you share with us about what activities will be previewed by the Fujian Association of U.S.A in the the Year of the dragon?
President Zhaoyin CHEN: We are scheduled to hold a celebration for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Fujian Association in the United States at the Flushing Royal Queen on June 8th with over 1000 guests will attend.
《Murphy Interviews》:Thank you for your wonderful sharing, and sincerely wish the 40th anniversary celebration of the Fujian Association of the United States a complete success.
President Zhaoyin CHEN: Thank you all for your joint efforts, thank you!
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