Asia Pacific Needs to Scale Low-Carbon Technologies Rapidly to Reduce Carbon Emissions: Black &
At Future Energy Asia, the global engineering, construction and consulting leader will propose how a range of international best practices can be adapted to advance regional decarbonization
BANGKOK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Asia Pacific must rapidly identify and adopt the next generation of low-carbon and scalable infrastructure to accelerate its decarbonization progress, says Black & Veatch, a global leader in critical infrastructure solutions.
The next stage of renewable energy and alternative fuel development to achieve lower carbon emissions is complex.
Many renewable energy project sites will be larger and more challenging. They will often be in remote areas that will need to be connected to the grid. New energy sources for both export and renewable energy for green hydrogen developments will challenge existing commercial models. Additionally, decommissioning and repurposing of coal infrastructure into essential “bridging” decarbonization assets will require financing that is fair and just to local people and businesses.
“Nevertheless, ample opportunities exist in the Asia Pacific to integrate a mix of different generation, transmission, and distribution technologies at the right price point and at the right time to achieve commercial and environmental success,” said Narsingh Chaudhary, President, Asia Pacific and India, Black & Veatch.
“Black & Veatch has been at the forefront of building critical energy infrastructure for several decades and is committed to supporting the rising energy needs in Asia Pacific with low and no-carbon energy sources,” said Chaudhary.
As Asia Pacific economies transition from a carbon-based economy to an electron- and molecule-based one, the region must find the right energy mix for near-term requirements and long-term change. Different levels of access to energy resources and differing energy needs demand a broad range of solutions.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) can support the shift from coal and the additional energy mix needed to fuel economic growth in developing markets.
Energy storage technologies, like Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH), enhance energy security by balancing sudden and significant drops in power production from variable renewable energy resources to improve grid reliability and stability.
In the longer term, hydrogen has the potential to provide seasonal energy storage and serve as the missing link for utilities, commercial businesses, and industries seeking to operate sustainably.
Better-planned and designed transmission systems, including interconnection lines, interconnection substations, and switching facilities, will help Asia Pacific address voltage and frequency variability and grid code requirements across the grid.
At Future Energy Asia 2024, Chaudhary will present global best practices for scaling low-carbon technologies in carbon reduction. Chaudhary will share his insights on the role of gas and LNG as a transition fuel.
Other topics Black & Veatch subject matter experts will discuss at Future Energy Asia include:
Enabling integration of renewable energy with smart grid technologies
Cross-industry collaborations advancing climate action, solutions and innovations
Optimizing solar PV and BESS deployments
Green hydrogen utilization
Contact Black & Veatch for more information.
About Black & Veatch
Black & Veatch is a 100-percent employee-owned global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company with a more than 100-year track record of innovation in sustainable infrastructure. Since 1915, we have helped our clients improve the lives of people around the world by addressing the resilience and reliability of our most important infrastructure assets. Follow us on and on social media.
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