Delmar Solidifies Presence in the Netherlands with Acquisition of Intervracht Nederland BV
MONTREAL, May 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Delmar International Inc. (, a Canadian-based industry leader in logistics and supply chain solutions, has completed the acquisition of Zevenaar-based freight forwarder, Intervracht Nederland BV (, on May 8th, 2024.
Situated roughly an hour's drive east of both Rotterdam and Amsterdam, both key European hubs for sea and air freight and close to the border with Germany, Intervracht Zevenaar will serve as a strategic new global logistics and distribution hub for The Delmar Group.
"We are proud to join The Delmar Group, an organization that shares our vision, values and passion for the industry. We will leverage our complementary capabilities and Delmar's technology with our global network and expertise. This has already started to benefit our clients, employees and stakeholders. We have identified and are working on many more synergies as we speak." said Jörg Töpfer, Managing Director, Intervracht Nederland BV. Mr. Töpfer will remain a shareholder and the Managing Director.
"This acquisition marks an important milestone in our international expansion strategy and reinforces our position as a leading provider of end-to-end global supply chain solutions. We are delighted to welcome Intervracht Nederland BV to the Delmar family and look forward to combining our expertise, networks and resources to offer our customers additional options, services and value." said Robert Cutler, President and CEO of The Delmar Group.
This is the second transaction in quick succession in Europe for Delmar as just last year the group acquired a controlling interest in Italian forwarder, Alisped SpA.
About Delmar International Inc. and The Delmar Group
Established in 1965, Delmar offers comprehensive customs brokerage, air, ocean freight consolidation, ground, managed transportation solutions, warehousing and distribution, supply chain consulting as well as a complete range of cargo management services. Delmar remains strategically asset light with a strong focus on its logistics technology capabilities and has offices in 17 countries with approximately 1500 employees.
About Intervracht Nederland BV
Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Zevenaar, Netherlands, Intervracht Nederland BV has a comprehensive suite of services, including ocean and air freight, ground, custom brokerage, warehousing and project cargo management. The company has built a strong reputation for reliability, efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Media Contact
Oliver Cutler, Chief Marketing Officer
From left to right: Jörg Töpfer, Managing Director, Intervracht Nederland BV, Robert Cutler, President and CEO of The Delmar Group and Mike Wagen, COO of The Delmar Group.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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