MedSource Labs Announces Innovation in Safety, Accuracy and Functionality of IV Catheters
MedSource Labs Unveils ClearSafe Comfort® and TrueSafe Comfort® Blood Control Safety IV Catheters to protect medical staff and patients
[Minneapolis, Minnesota, Chanhassen], May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - MedSource Labs moves the needle in the peripheral safety IV market with the announcement of ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control IV Catheters with groundbreaking active blood control check valve technology.
ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control IV catheters provide significant benefits over other IV catheters.
- Safety: A new blood control device to significantly reduce the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens to the caregiver and patient.
- Precision: A translucent flashback chamber confirms vessel entry and ensures accuracy.
- Front-line functionality: The ergonomic design and non-slip grip ensure easy handling for healthcare workers.
“Healthcare professionals subject themselves to the risks associated with needlestick injuries and exposure to bloodborne pathogens every time they access a vein,” said Dave Kunelius, President at MedSource Labs. “ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control Safety IV Catheters have been engineered to minimize these risks, allowing medical staff to better serve their patients without distraction or worry.”
These devices conform to the U.S. Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act.
MedSource Labs is a leading medical product developer and supplier specializing in high-quality products and innovative medical product development. The ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort Blood Control Safety IV Catheters are part of MedSource Labs' high-performing IV catheter lines focused on caring for the caregiver. See the TrueSafe Animations and ClearSafe Animations for a detailed view.
“Quality has always been a key component of our IV catheter products, and the ClearSafe Comfort and TrueSafe Comfort blood control products raise the bar for medical staff safety and patient care,” said Kunelius.
MedSource Labs is ISO 13485:2016 certified for quality management in medical device manufacturing, registered with the FDA, and the blood control catheters are 510(k) Cleared Products.
MedSource Labs is a leading provider of quality medical products, specializing in high-quality products, equipment and innovative class II medical product development. For over two decades, MedSource Labs has been a trusted provider of quality medical products at a superb value. Recently, MedSource Labs has expanded into new markets and grown its international services and offerings, including a focus on the EMERGE product imagine/design/build process.
Jeremy Belloit
MedSource Labs
(952) 472-0131
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