Workvivo by Zoom is named preferred migration partner for Workplace from Meta
Meta is discontinuing Workplace and will partner with Workvivo to assist with customer transitions.
SAN JOSE, Calif., May 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Today, Workvivo by Zoom was named Meta's only preferred migration partner for its customers as it retires Workplace from Meta.
Meta is discontinuing Workplace from Meta – its employee engagement platform. To assist with customer transitions, Meta will partner with Workvivo as its only preferred migration partner.
Workplace from Meta and Workvivo plan to provide migration tools for customers migrating to Workvivo and Workvivo will also offer additional implementation services at no further cost to support customers' transition.
Workplace from Meta customers can find more information about migrating to Workvivo here.
John Goulding, CEO and founder of Workvivo, said: “We know that the news today may be disruptive for Workplace from Meta customers, but we're so excited about the opportunity to support and help them. Meta has made a huge impact in this market, and we believe that Workvivo is the natural choice for Workplace from Meta customers to transition their employee experience platform.
“It's our top priority to support customers through this transition, and our team is working to make this process as frictionless as possible. We put our customers first, and this will be no different for the Workplace from Meta customers. We are excited to welcome Workplace from Meta customers into our incredible customer community and see the amazing things they can do with Workvivo.”
Eric S. Yuan, CEO and founder of Zoom said: “Since Workvivo joined the Zoom family, we've seen how powerful this platform is at engaging workforces and bringing culture to life – especially for frontline employees who may not have a desk or even an email address. Workvivo has seen momentous growth as organizations around the world are increasingly prioritizing the employee experience. We are excited to support Workplace from Meta's customers and help them reach their goals of reaching and engaging employees – whether they're desk or frontline workers.”
Workvivo by Zoom is the employee experience platform that simplifies communication and increases engagement by empowering employees to be heard and helping everyone feel included, no matter where they work.
Acquired by Zoom in 2023, Workvivo extends the Zoom Workplace platform to offer its customers new ways to keep employees informed, engaged, and connected. Workvivo is working with some of the world's best-known brands to help them boost employee engagement and bring their culture to life digitally, including Dollar General, the Virgin Group, Bupa, Ryanair, Lululemon and Amazon.
About Workvivo by Zoom
Workvivo is an employee experience platform that simplifies communication and increases engagement by empowering employees to be heard and helping everyone feel included, no matter where they work. The platform unifies employee communications, engagement, intranet, and measurement features into one modern employee app that captures the heartbeat of the organization and brings its culture to life.
Founded in 2017, Workvivo has seen momentous growth, which led to its acquisition by Zoom in 2023. Workvivo powers the employee experience at companies all over the world across all industries, including Amazon, Motherson, White Castle, Bupa and Ryanair. Workvivo regularly tops software review sites, including Gartner Digital, with a #1 spot on G2 for internal communications, intranet and engagement tool categories. For more information, visit
Public Relations
Eleanor O'Mahony
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