Tealium unveils CDP integration with Snowflake's Snowpipe Streaming API
The integration combines the powerful forces of the Snowflake Data Cloud and Tealium CDP to accelerate CX across the entire customer journey
San Diego, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Tealium announced today that it is one of the first customer data platforms (CDPs) to seamlessly connect to Snowflake's Snowpipe Streaming API, offering industry-leading customer data collection and activation capabilities. Tealium's CDP, powered by Snowflake, streamlines the process of landing low latency customer behavior data into the Snowflake Data Cloud to power analytics, AI, and customer-360 initiatives, allowing enterprises to better serve and engage their customers.
“At the heart of any CX strategy, is your data. CDPs and cloud data platforms are powerful catalysts for managing, analyzing, and activating customer data successfully to achieve this. And although unique on their own, together, they become a powerful force. That's why Tealium and Snowflake are truly better together, providing a centralized consented data hub combining the benefits of historical data, real-time behavior, and utmost flexibility,” says Bob Page, Chief Product Officer at Tealium.
Real-time access to customer data is crucial for organizations to stay competitive and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Tealium's integration with the Snowpipe Streaming API enables businesses to capture, process, analyze, and activate data efficiently. This powerful combination allows organizations to unlock valuable insights, enhance personalization, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately driving growth and customer satisfaction.
The integration leverages the power of a real-time CDP coupled with Snowflake's elastic performance engine to drive customer data capabilities, including:
- Establish unified and actionable customer views to power real-time engagement, leveraging enhanced identity data in Snowflake
- Fuel and activate AI initiatives across the entire data infrastructure
- Minimize wasted time on data wrangling for more strategic and higher-quality insights
- Reduce regulatory risk by enabling consented data collection and activation, honoring customer privacy preferences across the entire journey
- Improve ROI and achieve business goals through enhanced measurement and data-driven decision making
“As third-party cookies phase out and privacy regulations intensify, the demand for secure, privacy-first, real-time data solutions has never been greater,” said Onil Gunawardana, Head of Product Management, Marketing Data Cloud, at Snowflake. “Tealium's advanced CDP with consent management, integrated with Snowflake's Snowpipe API, provides enterprises with immediate access to cleansed, high-quality, first-party data. This seamless connectivity not only speeds up data ingestion for AI and improves customer experiences, but also ensures that data usage remains compliant within Snowflake's robust analytics environment, elevating customer data strategies with unmatched security and efficiency.”
The integration also equips teams with widened flexibility, allowing them to augment customer data with AI, fueling models with clean and consented data. With every business having an AI mandate, the biggest challenge being faced during initial adoption is access to AI-ready data. The Tealium and Snowflake integration enforces enhanced data quality and governance, which supports successful AI implementation across the enterprise.
Learn more about how Tealium and Snowflake are better together.
To keep up with the latest company news, visit Tealium's Newsroom.
Join the Real-Time Revolution: Tealium is hosting its annual Digital Velocity conference in San Diego on June 10-12, 2024. Join industry leaders as they come together to discuss the latest innovations in customer data. On Tuesday, June 11, Patrick Crosby, Senior Alliance Manager for Technology Partners at Snowflake, will be speaking in a session on “Driving Growth through Data Integration: CDPs and the Snowflake Marketing Data Cloud in Concert.” Learn more and register here.
About Tealium
As the most trusted CDP, Tealium connects data so businesses can better connect with their customers. Tealium's real-time data infrastructure allows brands to power their AI models and activate data for enhanced in-the-moment experiences. Tealium's turnkey integration ecosystem supports more than 1,300 built-in connections from the world's most prominent technology experts. Tealium's solutions include a real-time customer data platform with machine learning, tag management, an API hub, and data management solutions that make customer data more valuable, actionable, privacy-compliant, and secure. Named as a Leader in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Customer Data Platforms™, more than 850 leading businesses globally trust Tealium to power their customer data strategies. For more information, visit www.tealium.com.
Natalie Passarelli
Tealium Inc.
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