Uhnder and HASCO ADAS BU Enter Agreement to Fast-track 4D Digital Imaging Radar Adoption in Producti
HASCO ADAS BU and Uhnder will deliver first digital imaging radar in China to improve road safety for all.
AUSTIN, Texas, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Uhnder and HASCO ADAS BU, have entered into an agreement to dramatically enhance Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) by incorporating cutting-edge digital radar technology. This collaboration will significantly improve road safety for drivers, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike using Uhnder's digital imaging radar to set a new standard in performance as compared to today's analog automotive radar. This is especially relevant when perception is impaired by the interference of other radar sensors.
“Uhnder's digital radar represents a significant step forward in sensing technologies,” said Mr. Xie Bin , GM of ADAS BU, HASCO. “With its high levels of object and environment recognition, long-range detection and native interference resilience, Uhnder's digital radar meets the requirements of next-generation ADAS and will significantly increase the performance of advanced safety systems in driving applications.”
With the rapid adoption of enhanced ADAS, the number of radar sensors per vehicle is expected to surge. The joint efforts of Uhnder and HASCO ADAS BU will safeguard next-generation ADAS perception solutions that seamlessly coexist with existing analog and digitally modulated radar sensors, while providing best in class range and angular resolution, exceptional High Contrast Resolution (HCR) and robust interference mitigation.
“HASCO ADAS BU is leading the automotive industry in innovating safety on the road,” said Max Liberman, VP of Sales and Marketing, Uhnder. “Together, we are committed to developing a solution that enhances real-time sensing capabilities, even in the presence of other radars, allowing for proactive measures to reduce traffic accidents and improve safety for all road users.”
HASCO ADAS BU is a branch of HASCO which is comprehensive automotive parts system integration supplier listed on China's A-share market (Stock Code: 600741), has worked in ADAS field for more than 10 years and has lunched many products to the market such as millimeter radar (includes forward looking, surround, 4D imaging radar, In-Cabin Child presence detection radar, power door radar), smart camera, fusion system, domain controller and etc.
About Uhnder
Uhnder is a prominent radar technology company headquartered in Austin, Texas. Focusing on delivering the next-generation digital radar sensing solution, the company is dedicated to advancing automotive safety. Utilizing Digital Code Modulation (DCM), Uhnder's innovative radar-on-chip technology is fully software-defined, enabling unparalleled performance for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Visit: www.Uhnder.com and follow: LinkedIn.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
Max Liberman
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