Innovating to Impact: Dentsu Unveils New Global Brand Proposition Drawing Upon 120 Year Heritage
TOKYO, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Dentsu, today announced the launch of its new global, client-facing, brand proposition, "Innovating to Impact", marking a significant milestone in the company's storied 120-year plus history. The new go-to-market brand encapsulates dentsu's commitment to driving growth through innovation, leveraging the collective strengths of transformative creativity, media, data, and technology.
Created through a collaborative effort of many dentsu teams around the world, "Innovating to Impact" reflects dentsu's dedication to delivering outcomes that not only drive business growth but also generate a positive effect on people, society and the world.
"Our new branding is a bold declaration of our unwavering commitment to innovate in pursuit of outcomes on behalf of our clients," said Hiroshi Igarashi, President & Global CEO, dentsu. "At dentsu, we are not content with simply following trends; we aim to set them. 'Innovating to Impact' is our promise to our clients, our incredible people and the communities we serve, that we will continue to push the boundaries of what's possible through experience and business transformation."
The launch is the next stage in dentsu's mid to long-term strategy and its positioning as an integrated growth and transformation partner to the world's leading organizations. Dentsu brings the best of both worlds to clients: individual global leadership brands that can deliver deep expertise, and the ability to tie those services together to deliver a multiplier effect for clients as dentsu.
A Dentsu Creative team, headed by Riccardo Fregoso, Chief Creative Officer Dentsu Creative Italy, led development of the tagline “Innovating to Impact”, along with a new brand manifesto. The design look and feel of the new brand was produced by the multi-award winning Dentsu Inc. team in dentsu Japan, led by Executive Creative Director, Yoshihiro Yagi, one of Japan's most internationally awarded, art-based creatives.
“For over 120 years, innovation has been a core tenet of dentsu's offering; it is in our DNA and within the very culture of our teams around the world. Innovation for dentsu is both an open mindset as well as a systematic approach, helping clients approach their business transformation in new ways,” commented Jean Lin, Global President – Global Practices, dentsu. “Dentsu is truly unique in the market, sitting at the convergence of marketing, technology and consulting. When we combine innovation with a laser focus on driving outcomes, we bring together the best of our capabilities to deliver integrated growth for brands who want something different from the traditional model.”
Dentsu's new brand will be further showcased at the Cannes Lions Festival in June 2024, with dentsu Beach House programming and design reflecting the principles and positioning of "Innovating to Impact".
For more information about dentsu and the new GTM brand, please visit: Innovating to Impact
Team credits:
Dentsu Creative Italy
Riccardo Fregoso, Chief Creative Officer
Stefano Battistelli, Executive Creative Director
Francesco Epifani, Executive Creative Director
Cristiana Bregni, Art Director
Santiago Cancela, Copywriter
Dentsu Inc., Japan
Yoshihiro Yagi, Executive Creative Director
Tsubasa Adachi, Creative Director
Haruko Tsutsui, Creative Director
Hiroyuki Kato, Art Director
Natsuki Tomoda, Art Director
Miyuki Ito, Copywriter
Mariko Fukuoka, Copywriter
Shintaro Murakami, Digital Technologist
About dentsu
Dentsu is an integrated growth and transformation partner to the world's leading organizations. Founded in 1901 in Tokyo, Japan, and now present in over 145 countries and regions, it has a proven track record of nurturing and developing innovations, combining the talents of its global network of leadership brands to develop impactful and integrated growth solutions for clients. Dentsu delivers end-to-end experience transformation (EX) by integrating its services across Media, CXM and Creative, while its business transformation (BX) mindset pushes the boundaries of transformation and sustainable growth for brands, people and society.
Dentsu, Innovating to Impact.
Find out more:
Matt Cross
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:
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