Opal's Walk for Freedom℠ Inspiring Unity and Celebration Across the Globe
Opal Lee and the Juneteenth movement Arrive in Japan
Fort Worth, Texas, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Unity Unlimited, Inc. announced that Dr. Opal Lee, who recently received her eighth honorary doctorate from SMU and the Presidential Medal of Freedom earlier this month, starting Tuesday, May 14, 2024 for a 10 day tour of Tokyo, Japan at the invitation of LaTonya Whitaker of Legacy Foundation Japan who will host an Opal's Walk for Freedom℠ parade next month for Juneteenth.
In collaboration with Natalie Rowland of the USO and Tyhisha Nevels of The Department of Defense Education Activity Yokosuka Middle School, several cultural events have been planned that will allow Dr. Lee and her granddaughter Dione Sims to share their inspirational story of how the newest national holiday became a reality and the significance of celebrating the freedom it represents all over the world.
Sponsored by the American Airlines Office of Diversity, Black Professional EBRG, Asian Pacific Islander EBRG, Abilities EBRG, the Veterans Military EBRG and the reservations team, Ms. Opal and her team will enjoy premium accommodations for the 14 hour nonstop flight to Tokyo.
“The support of the American Airlines Employee Resource Groups to help us educate Americans serving and living abroad is a testament to our belief that Juneteenth is a unifier and that we can accomplish great things because we are stronger when we work together,” said Mrs. Dione Sims Founder and CEO of Unity Unlimited Inc. that produces the annual Opal Lee Juneteenth Celebration in Fort Worth.
Opal's Walk for Freedom℠ is honored to have the support of national partners JCPenney, Enterprise Mobility and American Airlines.
For those interested in becoming local sponsors or national partners, please contact Unity Unlimited, Inc. at 682-738-6055 or dione@unityunlimited.org.
Dr. Lee's journey can be followed on Facebook @opalswalk2dc, Twitter, and Instagram @opalsw2dc, using the hashtag #opalswalk2dc.
Note to Editors
- The Opal's Walk campaign was established in 2016.
- 5300+ people have joined the walks over the years.
- Over 20 cities have hosted Opal's Walks over the years.
- Dr. Opal Lee is a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, named 2021 Texan of the Year, 2022 Person of the Year. and 2023 Texas Women's Hall of Fame inductee.
- Dr. Opal Lee is represented by Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
- Strategic Brand Partner: INVNT GROUPThe Global Brand Story Project and Agency
- Opal's Walk for Freedom is produced in part by Unity Unlimited, Inc., Hooked On ENT, and Adam and Elliot Moving Picture
Daria Hookfin
Unity Unlimited, Inc.
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