Zymeworks Announces Participation in Upcoming Investor Conferences
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zymeworks Inc. (Nasdaq: ZYME), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing a diverse pipeline of novel, multifunctional biotherapeutics to improve the standard of care for difficult-to-treat diseases, today announced that management will participate in the following upcoming investor conferences:
- Guggenheim Healthcare Talks 6th Annual Biotechnology Conference: Zymeworks’ management will participate in one-on-one meetings and a fireside chat on February 8th at 2:30 pm Eastern Time (ET) in New York, NY.
- Oppenheimer 34th Annual Healthcare Life Sciences Conference: Zymeworks’ management will participate in virtual one-on-one meetings and present on February 13th at 9:20 am ET.
- Citi's 2024 Virtual Oncology Leadership Summit: Zymeworks’ management will participate in a fireside chat on February 22nd at 8:00 am Pacific Time (PT).
All presentations and webcasts will be available on Zymeworks’ website at http://ir.zymeworks.com/events-and-presentations.
About Zymeworks Inc.
Zymeworks is a global biotechnology company committed to the discovery, development, and commercialization of novel, multifunctional biotherapeutics. Zymeworks’ mission is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people impacted by difficult-to-treat cancers and other diseases. The Company’s complementary therapeutic platforms and fully integrated drug development engine provide the flexibility and compatibility to precisely engineer and develop highly differentiated antibody-based therapeutic candidates. Zymeworks engineered and developed zanidatamab, a HER2-targeted bispecific antibody using the Company’s proprietary Azymetric™ technology. Zymeworks has entered into separate agreements with BeiGene, Ltd. (BeiGene) and Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited (Jazz), granting each exclusive rights to develop and commercialize zanidatamab in different territories. Zanidatamab is currently being evaluated in multiple global clinical trials as a potential best-in-class treatment for patients with HER2-expressing cancers. Zymeworks is rapidly advancing a deep pipeline of product candidates based on its experience and capabilities in both antibody drug conjugates and multispecific antibody therapeutics across multiple novel targets in indications that represent areas of significant unmet medical need. In addition to Zymeworks’ wholly owned pipeline, its therapeutic platforms have been further leveraged through strategic partnerships with global biopharmaceutical companies. For information about Zymeworks, visit www.zymeworks.com and follow @ZymeworksInc on X.
Investor Inquiries:
Shrinal Inamdar
Director, Investor Relations
(604) 678-1388
Media Inquiries:
Diana Papove
Senior Director, Corporate Communications
(604) 678-1388
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