Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, KK Invest and Danish Bio Commodities to operate and develop one
KK Invest, DBC Invest and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners have entered into an agreement regarding the acquisition of the majority of the shares in Sindal Biogas. The ambition is to build a flagship plant for bioenergy in Denmark and thereby contributing positively to the green transition in Hjørring Municipality and Denmark.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark and HJØRRING, Denmark, May 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and the plant's current owners will invest in the ongoing expansion of the sustainable bioenergy sector in Hjørring in Northern Jutland, Denmark. The current owners include a local investment company with roots in agriculture, KK Invest (owned by the Glenthøj Kirketerp family), and DBC Invest (a sister company to Danish Bio Commodities). The purpose is to jointly develop, expand and operate the existing biogas plant as a continued hub for sustainable bioenergy in Northern Jutland.
CIP's investment is made through its CI Advanced Bioenergy Fund I (CI ABF I), whose investors include several of the largest Danish pension funds. The investment into Sindal Biogas is well aligned with the investment strategy of CI ABF I, as Sindal utilises industrial and agricultural waste to produce green gas, thereby helping to solve multiple environmental challenges.
"At Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, we look forward to working with the existing owners of Sindal Biogas to develop and operate what is intended to be one of Denmark's largest biogas plants. We see great potential in the conversion of sustainable biomass into green gas and green fuels, which play a crucial role in the green transition. The acquisition of the majority of the shares in Sindal Biogas represents an important step for our fund and portfolio of biogas projects. We look forward to further developing and finalising the plant with our partners so that we and the local community can create new jobs and contribute to the green transition," says Thomas Dalsgaard, Partner at CIP.
Sindal Biogas was founded in 2017 and has been expanded several times since. Currently, the plant is being expanded to process 500,000 tonnes of biomass annually with an intended production of upgraded biogas for the gas grid of up to 34 million cubic metres. In addition, the plant will produce biogenic CO2, which will be captured, stored and/or used in the green transition. As a result of the planned new triple-digit million investments, it is expected that the plant's production of upgraded biogas can displace up to 50,000 tonnes of fossil CO2 per year. The new investments into the plant will create growth and jobs in the local area, which continues to be an essential partner for the future development of the plant.
"Biogas is developing rapidly. Sindal Biogas will need major investments in coming years to utilise the technological opportunities and increase CO2 displacement. This requires long-term, risk-taking capital with regulatory insight into the green transition. In CIP, we have found a solid partner who shares our vision. It has also been crucial for us that CIP is backed by pension funds, which means that many citizens in the region will indirectly become co-owners of a local part of the green transition and join us on a continued journey of growth. We are proud of what our talented employees have created, and therefore, equally proud to have CIP on board to ensure continued growth with local commitment," says Morten Glenthøj, KK Invest.
CIP has a fundamental belief that bioenergy projects must be anchored locally. Therefore, it has been crucial that the current owners continue in the project so that the relationship with the local community and local ownership is maintained. The partnership with the existing owners also represents the first step in the joint further development of large-scale biogas projects.
"DBC has been co-owners of Sindal Biogas for almost four years, and we have been happy to be part of the growth and development of the biogas plant together with Karen Kirketerp and Morten Glenthøj and the plant’s daily management team. The biogas plant has a lot of very capital-intensive development opportunities ahead, and it has therefore been natural for DBC to reduce our ownership share. We see CIP as the obvious partner for the future journey," says Rune Ledgaard Sørensen, CEO at DBC Invest.
About Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
Founded in 2012, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners P/S (CIP) today is the world’s largest dedicated fund manager within greenfield renewable energy investments and a global leader in offshore wind. The funds managed by CIP focus on investments in offshore and onshore wind, solar PV, biomass and energy-from-waste, transmission and distribution, reserve capacity, storage, advanced bioenergy, and Power-to-X.
CIP manages 12 funds and has to date raised approximately EUR 28 billion for investments in energy and associated infrastructure from more than 160 international institutional investors. CIP has approximately 500 employees and 12 offices around the world. For more information, visit
About KK Invest
KK Invest is owned by the Glenthøj Kirketerp family. Among other things, they run the agricultural company K/AGRO, from which Sindal Biogas originates. KK Invest also develops and invests in energy projects.
About DBC
Danish Bio Commodities (DBC) handles the sale of the bio natural gas certificates that biogas plants are awarded on the basis of gas production, and wants - in close collaboration with the biogas producers - to help create a transparent, sustainable and long-term market for trading bio natural gas certificates. The sister company, DBC Invest, invests in biogas plants and advises them on technology, development, biology and biomass procurement. DBC Invest has so far invested in 8 biogas plants that are in production and has co-ownership in three projects under development. The DBC companies are owned by Vestjyllands Andel, Jysk Energi, Hedeselskabet and Langfristet ErhvervsFinansiering (LEF).
For more information, contact:
Oliver Routhe Skov, Head of Media Relations
Phone: +45 30541227
Thomas Kønig, Partner - Investor Relations
Phone: +45 7070 5151
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