Also named as an endorsed Creative Experiential Partner for the 2024 event
Sydney, May 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- INVNT™, the Experiential Disrupter Agency, has today been announced as the sponsor and co-producer of the SXSW Sydney 2024 Discovery Stage after a successful collaboration at last year’s inaugural event.
INVNT x SXSW Sydney 2024
For the second consecutive year, INVNT will bring its world-class expertise in production and innovative brand storytelling and “Challenge Everything” ethos to SXSW Sydney, where it will continue its legacy of hosting, curating and presenting the Discovery Stage and activating across the event’s key pillars of Tech & Innovation, Music, Games and Screen.
Featured within the SXSW Sydney Tech & Innovation Expo, the 2024 Discovery Stage will play host to inspiring innovation leaders who are redefining industry norms and will be a place to explore the latest developments in technology and meet startup founders who are poised to disrupt the status quo.
As last year’s Discovery Stage sponsor, INVNT helped bring together 35 sessions and 100 speakers in a dynamic, innovation-packed program. This lineup featured creatives and trailblazers from a diverse array of fields, challenging the status quo in areas like AI, art, music, creativity, design, travel, fashion, sustainability, gamification, fandom, fintech, space, science, robotics, Web3, and more. Notable guest appearances included Tom Nash, Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki, Adam Spencer, Prof. Genevieve Bell, Neil Perry, Miguel Maestre, and the Hon. Ed Husic MP, along with headline speakers from leading brands such as AWS, Bassike, BMW Group, Canva, Envato, Google, HP, Intel, Innovation Bay, Nearmap, Polestar, Salesforce, Tripadvisor, UNICEF, Virgin Australia, Xero, and others.
This year, working with INVNT.ATOM, the innovation-powered division of INVNT GROUP, INVNT will bring more emerging ideas, experiential moments, and world-first on-stage collaborations, with the purpose of driving disruptive conversations to shape and create the future.
“SXSW Sydney 2024 presents us with an exhilarating new challenge, one that our team eagerly embraces. We’re approaching the Discovery Stage with renewed vigour following our successful 2023 program. Anticipate an unprecedented line-up of visionaries and world-first collaborations, as we catalyse the future of innovation, technology, and creativity. Additionally, as an endorsed Creative Experiential Partner, we look forward to collaborating with brands to infuse our hallmark creativity, storytelling, and innovation into a diverse range of activations, helping them stand out as disruptive brand pioneers amongst the crowd.” says Laura Roberts, Managing Director of [INVNT GROUP] APAC.
“After a successful collaboration at last year’s event, we are looking forward to having INVNT back on board in 2024 as the presenting partner of our popular Discovery Stage — a space where technology, innovation and creativity collide. With a strong future-focus, this stage exists to shine a spotlight on the trailblazers and disruptors among us to uncover what’s next and spark transformative conversations. INVNT’s “Challenge Everything” ethos aligns greatly with that of SXSW Sydney and their focus on innovation and powerful storytelling makes them the perfect partner to help us bring this element of the program to life.” says Colin Daniels, Managing Director of SXSW Sydney.
In the past year, INVNT has delivered experiences that sit at the intersection of live, digital, and content for clients such as Emirates, Lamborghini, COP28, Live Nation Australia, Xero, UNICEF, and more. As a Creative Experiential Partner for SXSW Sydney 2024, the agency will be inviting brands and official partners of the 2024 event to collaborate and deliver big idea activations and exhibits that will bring brand stories to life, all while engaging festival attendees in unforgettable ways.
SXSW Sydney’s Tech & Innovation Expo is a four-day event held from October 15 to 20 at ICC Sydney’s Exhibition Hall. It showcases the most innovative brands, companies, products and services from the Asia-Pacific region and beyond and is a place for attendees to immerse themselves in Discovery Stage talks, product demonstrations and interactive installations.
South by Southwest® (SXSW) Sydney is an annual gathering of visionaries, thought leaders and emerging talents from the Asia-Pacific region. The week-long program takes place 14–20 October 2024 and is stacked with more than 1,000 events and networking sessions across the key pillars of Tech & Innovation, Games, Music and Screen. For more information and to buy your badge, visit
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Access to Media Kit HERE.
Anna O'Young For INVNT enquiries +6587855778 Jhonathan Mendez De Leon For INVNT GROUP enquiries
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