Pixalate Releases First China Mobile Smartphone Market Share Report: Huawei +524% YoY, Gains on Appl
In China, Android - led by Huawei (20%), Vivo (19%), and Oppo (10%) - has overtaken Apple’s iOS as the top OS type in China with 61% SOV
LONDON, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pixalate, the market-leading fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform for Connected TV (CTV) and Mobile Advertising, today released the Q1 2024 Asia-Pacific (APAC) and China Mobile Device Market Share Report.
The report provides a market analysis of the top mobile devices based on open programmatic ad traffic across the APAC region and includes a look at mobile device market share within China. Pixalate also released Global, North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Latin America (LATAM) versions of the report.
Pixalate’s data science team analyzed over 10 million mobile apps (including delisted apps) and over 22 billion in-app open programmatic advertising impressions in March 2024 to compile the research in this series. Market share of voice (SOV) is determined by the percentage of open programmatic ads sold that are associated with specific device types within each region, as measured by Pixalate.
- Apple’s iPhone leads APAC (28%) in SOV, down -16% YoY
- This follows a global trend for Apple iPhone, down -6% YoY in SOV
- Xiaomi ranks second (20%) in APAC’s SOV, up +58% YoY
- Samsung ends Q1 2024 fourth (12%) in APAC’s SOV, down -14% YoY
- Huawei is nearing Apple iPhone’s market share in China, reaching 20% SOV in Q1 2024, a +524% YoY increase
- Apple iPhone saw a -64% YoY decrease in SOV in China
- Android - led by Huawei, Vivo, and Oppo - has overtaken Apple’s iOS as the top OS type in China, with 61% SOV
Download Q1 2024 Mobile Device Share by Region Reports
- Global
- Asia-Pacific (APAC)
- Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
- Latin America (LATAM)
- North America
About Pixalate
Pixalate is a global platform specializing in privacy compliance, ad fraud prevention, and digital ad supply chain data intelligence. Founded in 2012, Pixalate is trusted by regulators, data researchers, advertisers, publishers, ad tech platforms, and financial analysts across the Connected TV (CTV), mobile app, and website ecosystems. Pixalate is accredited by the MRC for the detection and filtration of Sophisticated Invalid Traffic (SIVT). pixalate.com
The content of this press release, and the Q1 2024 Mobile Device Market Share Reports, reflects Pixalate’s opinions with respect to the factors that Pixalate believes can be useful to the digital media industry. Any data shared is grounded in Pixalate’s proprietary technology and analytics, which Pixalate is continuously evaluating and updating. Any references to outside sources should not be construed as endorsements. Pixalate’s opinions are just that, opinions, which means that they are neither facts nor guarantees.
Pixalate is sharing this data not to impugn the standing or reputation of any entity, person or app, but, instead, to report findings and trends pertaining to the time period studied.
Alvin Ling
VP, Head of Operations, APAC
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