MetaHomes Celebrates Art and Innovation with World-Renowned Light Painting Artist, Roy Wang
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On May 18, 2024, MetaHomes was honored to participate in the "Chinese Dragon" large-scale light painting creation event, hosted by world-renowned light painting artist Roy Wang, in Dubai. This collaboration added a touch of Chinese culture to Dubai's vibrant art landscape, further cementing MetaHomes' commitment to cultural integration and innovation.
MetaHomes' distinguished executives showed up in their numbers to witness the spectacular light painting creation and engage in in-depth exchanges with Roy Wang by actively participating in the light painting session. This event underscored MetaHomes' commitment to creating a unique cultural and high-quality life service experience for its users. The cooperation with Roy Wang, a luminary in the art world, not only introduced new cultural elements to MetaHomes but also enriched Dubai's vibrant art scene.
MetaHomes highlighted its innovative platform features, including its artificial intelligence (AI) and Virtual reality-powered system. Central to the company's brand identity is Kylin, a thoughtfully developed cultural AI mascot. As MetaHomes' brand ambassador, Kylin reflects the company's image while drawing inspiration from the rich heritage of Chinese traditional culture. This mascot serves as a user-friendly guide, empowering clients to make informed and cost-effective real estate decisions. Through this approach, MetaHomes strives to not only offer cutting-edge technological solutions but also foster a welcoming and approachable user experience. Notably, Kylin complements Roy Wang's "Chinese Dragon" light painting work by injecting new life into Dubai's cultural exchanges and symbolizing MetaHomes' innovative approach to real estate solutions.
Jerry Wu, CEO of MetaHomes, commented on the event, "Collaborating with Roy Wang has been an incredible opportunity for MetaHomes. His artistic vision and our technological innovations together create a unique blend of art and real estate. This partnership reflects our ongoing commitment to cultural enrichment and technological advancement."
Mr. Wang also shared his thoughts on the collaboration, saying, "Participating in this event with MetaHomes has been an extraordinary experience. Dubai's unique multicultural character provides an ideal backdrop for artistic innovation, and I am excited to see how our combined efforts will enhance the real estate landscape here."
Roy Wang, a dignitary in his field, is highly celebrated for his contributions to the global art scene. He introduced light painting New Media Art to China in 2015. Wang’s artistic achievements have earned him a prestigious 10-year Golden Visa from the UAE government, an honor reserved for significant cultural and artistic contributors. He holds the distinction of being the first Chinese artist recommended by the UAE Dubai Ministry of Culture and serves as the President of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Greece Group Art Institute IAA in China. Additionally, Wang is the representative of the World Light Painting Alliance in China, making him the first Chinese member of this esteemed organization.
Funui Donard
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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