Bahrain Oncology Centre Amongst the First in the World to Offer Ground-breaking Sickle Cell and Tran
MUHARRAQ, Bahrain, May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Bahrain Oncology Centre (BOC) has achieved a significant milestone, becoming amongst the first centres in the World to offer the ground-breaking CASGEVY (exagamglogene-autotemcel or ‘exa-cel’) gene therapy for sickle cell disease (SCD) and transfusion dependent thalassemia (TDT). This achievement follows the BOC's successful accreditation, recognising its adherence to international standards for bone marrow transplant and cell therapy services.
The first Bahraini patient with SCD is about to begin the treatment journey, marking a new era of advanced healthcare in the region.
The launch of the CASGEVY (exa-cel) programme is a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Health, the Royal Medical Services, Government Hospitals, and the National Health Regulatory Authority.
This pioneering initiative aligns with the vision of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to elevate Bahrain's healthcare sector and reflects the directives of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to provide the highest quality care for all citizens and residents, particularly those with inherited blood disorders.
The Bahrain Oncology Centre submitted comprehensive documentation for evaluation, showcasing the expertise of its team, state-of-the-art equipment, and robust policies adhering to international standards for hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) and cell therapy (CT). Following a thorough review of the submitted documentation, there was an on-site audit, culminating in the BOC's recognition as a certified centre for bone marrow transplant and cell therapy services upon meeting all administrative and operational requirements.
The CASGEVY (exa-cel) therapy involves a multi-stage process, beginning with a comprehensive patient assessment. Following a blood exchange transfusion to prepare the bone marrow, stem cells are collected and sent to a laboratory for genetic editing. Rigorous quality checks ensure the safety and efficacy of the modified cells before they are returned to the Kingdom of Bahrain for transplantation. The patient is then closely monitored as the new cells enter the bone marrow and start producing new cells.
The Bahrain Oncology Centre's dedication to advancing healthcare through partnerships with national institutions ensures that the entire community can access state-of-the-art medical technologies. The recent accreditation solidifies Bahrain's position as a regional leader in innovative healthcare solutions.
About Bahrain Oncology Centre
Bahrain Oncology Centre is a leading provider of comprehensive cancer care services in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The centre is committed to delivering the highest quality of care to patients through a multidisciplinary approach, utilising the latest technologies and treatments
For more information, please contact the National Communication Centre of the Kingdom of Bahrain on
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