Galderma Launches Restylane® VOLYME™ in China – One of the World’s Fastest Growing Aesthetics Market
- Restylane® VOLYME™ is designed for contouring and volumization of the mid-face region to support patients in achieving a youthful, revitalized look
- The complementary Shape Up Holistic Individualized Treatment (HIT™) has also been introduced in China, empowering aesthetics practitioners to deliver dynamic and natural mid-face solutions for their patients
- Galderma is committed to delivering its world-leading portfolio of innovative aesthetics solutions to China as well as other countries and regions around the world
ZUG, Switzerland -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --
Galderma (SWX:GALD) announced today the launch of its hyaluronic acid injectable filler, Restylane® VOLYME™ in China. The company is also introducing its complementary Shape Up Holistic Individualized Treatment (HIT™) in the country, which addresses aging concerns caused by loss of structural support in the mid-face. The availability of these targeted solutions for the mid-face region is demonstrative of Galderma’s commitment to meeting patient and injector needs in China. In the past decade, the growth of China’s aesthetics medicine market has outpaced the global market; with relatively low market penetration, there remains significant potential for future growth.1
Developed using Galderma’s proprietary OBT™* gel technology, Restylane® VOLYME™ is indicated for the correction of mid-face volume deficit and/or mid-face contour deficiency through injections into the subcutaneous to supraperiosteal layers of the skin.2-3 Hyaluronic acid fillers are often patients’ first choice for mid-face augmentation and have been shown to deliver high patient satisfaction and long-lasting effects.4 In China, hyaluronic acid fillers are among the top 10 most-sold aesthetics products.1
“We are delighted to deliver Galderma’s innovative aesthetics solutions in China with the support of our research and development teams, as well as local partners and regulatory authorities. As the Chinese market continues to expand, we look forward to working closely with all stakeholders to deliver our full, premium range of aesthetics products to meet the varied and individual needs of patients and injectors.”
Developed with a global community of injectors, the Shape Up HIT™ is the latest of Galderma’s HITs™ to be introduced in China, designed to create a common language to facilitate a two-way dialogue between patient and practitioner to align on patient priorities and keep satisfaction at the forefront.
"Aesthetic plastic surgery is an artistic creation under medical constraints, embodying a holistic and individualized approach. Facial expressions are controlled by 42 muscles which convey emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness. These muscles are also involved in language, chewing, and other activities. The appearance of the mid-face is crucial in interpersonal communication. Together, Restylane® VOLYME™ and the Shape Up HIT™ enable patients to maintain their natural facial expressions while also supporting injectors to deliver a youthful and long-lasting aesthetic effect."
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