EDB Announces EDB Postgres® AI, an Intelligent Platform for Transactional, Analytical and AI Workloa
New unified platform offers an unparalleled competitive advantage for AI, analytics, and ML apps – on clouds, on premises, and physical appliance
BEDFORD, Mass., May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Marking 20 years of technological progress and innovation, EDB, the leading Postgres data and AI company, today launched EDB Postgres® AI, an intelligent platform for transactional, analytical and AI workloads. This is the industry's first platform that can be deployed as cloud, software or physical appliance, all powered by the same Postgres engine.
The launch of EDB Postgres AI also comes with a new corporate identity aimed at the belief that Postgres can solve the AI generation’s most complex data challenges. In this new era, Postgres and EDB will enable customers to break data silos and launch new AI initiatives across any cloud, anywhere with the confidence of enterprise-grade security, compliance and availability.
“Nearly 75% of U.S. companies have adopted AI, but businesses still need a foundational technology that will allow them to quickly and easily access their abundance of data and fully embrace AI - and that’s where EDB Postgres AI comes in,” says Kevin Dallas, CEO, EDB. “We are harnessing the agility of Postgres across transactional, analytical and AI workloads and meeting customers wherever they are - on premises, any clouds, anywhere, or physical appliance.”
Key capabilities of EDB Postgres AI include:
- Rapid Analytics: Roll out rapid analytics for your transactional data, while maintaining business as usual from core to edge. Go straight to the data source and spin up on-demand analytics clusters. With EDB Postgres Lakehouse capabilities, operational data can be stored in a columnar format, optimizing it for lightning-fast analytics.
- Intelligent Observability: Manage both on-premises and cloud databases using a single set of interfaces. Change the way data insights are managed and operationalized into value assets for the organization.
- Support for Vector Databases: Trust in hardened enterprise support, security, high availability, and compliance around pgvector in a new way. Vectorize data to support GenAI applications and LLMs, while keeping that data in a well governed estate.
- Continuous High Availability: Redefine high availability with up to 99.999% uptime and 24/7/365 access to the most seasoned Postgres experts. Take Postgres from experiments to essential with hardened security, support and compliance tools to help standardize Postgres across the enterprise.
- Legacy Modernization: Modernize legacy systems with the most comprehensive Oracle Compatibility Mode, allowing customers to replatform existing applications to a modern solution for transactional, analytical, and AI workloads. EDB’s Oracle Migration Co-pilot leverages AI to predict roadblocks along the migration path.
Today’s announcement comes with news of EDB’s expanded network of strategic alliances, including Nutanix, SADA, and Red Hat. It also comes on the heels of EDB’s appointment of former Microsoft executive and CEO of Wind River, Kevin Dallas, as its new CEO, and acquisition of Splitgraph, which was a foundation for EDB’s analytics capability.
EDB Postgres AI is available today to existing and future customers. To learn more, visit EDB’s website: www.enterprisedb.com.
About EDB
EDB provides a data and AI platform that enables organizations to harness the full power of Postgres for transactional, analytical, and AI workloads across any cloud, anywhere. EDB empowers enterprises to control risk, manage costs and scale efficiently for a data and AI led world. Serving more than 1,500 customers globally and as the leading contributor to the vibrant and fast-growing PostgreSQL community, EDB supports major government organizations, financial services, media and information technology companies. EDB’s data-driven solutions enable customers to modernize legacy systems and break data silos while leveraging enterprise-grade open source technologies. EDB delivers the confidence of up to 99.999% high availability with mission critical capabilities built in such as security, compliance controls, and observability. For more information, visit www.enterprisedb.com.
EnterpriseDB and EDB are registered trademarks of EnterpriseDB Corporation; Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Postgres and PostgreSQL are registered trademarks of the PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada and used with their permission. All other trademarks are owned by their respective owners.
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Shane Smith
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